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Arbeitserfahrungen von Auszubildenden des dualen Systems zur Verbesserung ihrer fachlichen wie kulturellen und sprachlichen Kompetenzen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The KBKB sent eleven trainees from the Dual System, from the College of Social Pedagogy as well as the vocational College for Information Technical Assistants, one mechanic and one electronic trainee to a three-week internship to Cork / Ireland. The rural area with its dramatic demographic change is facing major challenges. To resource employees or for small businesses to be successful beyond the boundaries of the region internationalisation was becoming increasingly important. But first and foremost, the project was about gaining work experience abroad, in order to increase the professional skills in an occupational field, to increase the cultural and social skills and to allow international encounters. However, the trainees should also serve as multipliers to popularise the European idea with their classmates and to encourage their classmates to gain similar experiences abroad. The companies that were willing to send trainees abroad for an internship should be made aware of the need for international encounters and exchanges and should recognise this as an opportunity for their own company.
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