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Aquatic resources for green energy realization (AQUAREL)
Start date: Oct 15, 2012, End date: Jun 14, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to develop and introduce an innovative and efficient concept for green energy production and recycling of bio-waste to fish farms and other local actors in the Karelia ENPI programme area. Main activities• Analyse and estimate the quantity and quality of fish production bio-waste in the area. • Research how to amalgamate fish waste production and aquatic organism production for biofuel production.• Benchmarking of the Finnish experiences from recovery of biodegradable waste materials to energy and fuel products. The possibilities of applying Finnish experiences in Karelian conditions will be studied.• Research on the possibilities to integrate recovery of other waste materials to the utilization of fish waste in energy production.• Research how to integrate the solutions for energy and biofuel production based on aquatic bio-resources with water purification technologies.• Define a suitable sources and bodies for rising the investment needed for setting up green energy systems on fish farms.• Study biodiesel production process and distribution logistics and define the economic plans and calculations needed for their implementations in Karelia and Finland.• Selection of biofuel and energy production equipment and set-up for piloting.• Investigation of financing possibilities (public and private) that the fish farms and companies interested in producing energy from bio-waste can use for purchasing the needed equipment. The project will provide recommendations based on findings of productivity and investment calculations.• Disseminate the results of the project to local actors, fish farms, local societies etc. Achievements: The project created the AQUAREL concept. The concept described different types of biowaste, their quantity and quality in the Republic of Karelia. Detailed definitions and guidelines of potential waste utilization methods were described. Required investments, current economic situation and the price of energy were taken into account when making the final conclusions and recommendations about the profitable utilizations methods as of today.Before the project in Karelia only few fish farms had existing process plants for fish oil production and waste handling. Based on the interest, which was risen by project with opening seminar and dissemination and research activities, two more fish farms got committed to investing in process plants and starting to producing fish-oil. After the project, it is clear that one company will start their fish-waste processing in their own premises based on project pilot phase results and findings. This reduces environmental impacts related of fish-waste.Regarding the project’s stakeholders, it became evident during the project implementation that the main topic, utilisation of fish processing waste and other complementary bio waste, is highly valued and interesting in the Rep. of Karelia. The discussions that project partners had with the local entrepreneurs confirmed that bio-waste is gradually considered as a valuable commodity. Also the questions and concerns the stakeholders highlighted during the seminars clearly indicated that they understood that the waste disposal cannot continue and there are other, environmentally more sustainable means existing.

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  • 90%   697 500,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Karelia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants