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Aprendizaje profesional y cultural a través de la movilidad en Europa
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project has the strong support of the School Management team and the approval of the School Board. It will be carried out through the European Programs Department, consisting of diverse people responsible for the different actions or programme Erasmus +. The tutors of the reference groups of the students involved will provide a favorable report about the students intending to obtain the funds for mobility. The teachers responsible for teaching in workplaces of intermediate or higher level technical training will give their opinion, as they are more aware of the suitability of the posts offered in the host country. The activity has been proposed to all the students of intermediate level of technical studies who can take part in the program, that is, those who belong to professional families which can be provided with posts at destination offered by the intermediary partner schools. The aim is to fulfill a growing need – to combine training in workplaces, to implement the training acquired at school, to deepen knowledge in languages, especially French, and to develop communicative skills in real situations related to their studies and interests. The fact of living in another country for ten weeks will increase their personal autonomy and will enable them to know and appreciate other cultures and ways of life in EU countries, at a personal and professional level. At the same time, they will put into practice the knowledge and skills learned at college. Mobilities will take place between April, May and June 2015, as intermediate level technical studies are structured so that the third term is aimed at training at workplaces (FCT). The period of training at workplaces in France will be equivalent to training at workplaces in Spain. The benefits of this activity are clear for each of the participants: improvement of personal, linguistic, profesional skills. At school, this activity promotes the contact of technical and language teachers with other schools and colleges and with firms at another country, what leads to an updating of their knowledge , skills and capacities. This activity will contribute to the interest of other students in taking part in mobility activities. As it is a reciprocal activity, and several schools will be participating, it will also contribute to cooperation between education institutions and firms. The participation of teachers in mobility for jobshadowing, coinciding with the students’ mobility will implement the updating of their teaching and linguistic skills.

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