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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within the European strategy our institution wants to establish in order to ensure a quality education for our students in the teaching of foreign languages, we really need to continue with the challenge of lifelong learning that all teachers need in their functions in a continuously changing field, which is the teaching in our time. It is therefore essential both continuous improvement of the language itself as a professional and scientific updating in a practical context of teaching and learning that ensures our new faculty and relevant skills such as technological knowledge in cooperative learning and new perspectives education in the teaching of foreign languages, focusing this approach towards acquiring new educational resources that can be applied in the development of CLIL methodology, both home made and collected in virtual or digital platforms One of the actions we want to develop in the coming years, following the principle of autonomy that the Spanish legislation being introduced by Law 8/2013, of December 9 (LOMCE) and development of own projects, is the introduction of a second language, we have agreed that is French. In our approach, we perform different types of European equities, trying to adjust each of them to different profiles and needs of teachers who want to take part in this innovative project:- The development of training in English will result in the improvement of communication skills of teachers, essential for teaching a foreign language. And they enable you to choose other modes of teaching for learning relevant aspects of a language that will equip you with experience have deepened their knowledge in a country whose language is English.- Moreover, the activity of job shadowing provide teachers of models and examples of good practice in a way eminently structured in a particular teaching context, with another colleague who will guide you in this process and will entitle to include those aspects that consider relevant to your own practice.- Teaching in another foreign central European environment, approach the teacher to a completely different reality of the classroom context, giving it new skills in the field of learning on practice and action research.
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