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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

San Pedro Salesian school is a bilingual school in preschool and primary, a three-year project include bilingualism in the other educational stages that account. (Secondary, baccalaureate and vocational training ).We have experience in intership abroad for students of training courses and exchanges in the middle and high school stages. At the same time, we took a year developing a draft methodological exchange in French with a center of Versailles. Our openness to a European consciousness can not be completed without the formation of our faculty not only in terms of language, but methodological and cultural level. It is for this reason that we want our teachers to form in CLIL methodology, providing them with tools to develop classroom work system, increasingly similar to that of any European country.The course will be held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, with the Pilgrim's center wide experience in the study of English language and not only in terms of the students but also faculty culture. It has an online publications magazine specializing in the field of English language methodology, and taking care not only of the delivery of the course, but also everything related to the accommodation of its students.The course will last for a week in which teachers develop different methodologies and new techniques to teach their subject in L2 in the diferent cycles.It is for this reason that the first interested in attending this course are teachers who are immersed in bilingual education with an accredited English level B1. Given the characteristics of the program, the number of teachers involved will be 6, a bilingual teacher for every subject: science and art, and for each of the three primary cycles.These teachers will form around your fellow seminar cycles and these new methodologies, so the course starts all primary faculty are ready to give their subjects with these new methodologies, and parents will be informed of this at the first meeting of the course, giving them a brochure with detailed information on the project of teacher education of their children, and the impact it will have on them.This will achieve a better quality of our bilingual education using European methods, and greater openness to the European dimension
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