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Apprentissage précoce d'une langue étrangère
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The birth of this project started when we reviewed the poor results achievements of ours students at the CECRL A1exam (ie : 25%). This drove us to the conclusion in revisiting our relation to teaching a foreign language. Since three years we are reviewing many written educators references , globally, they promote early age foreign language learning. As a conclusion, we developed English teaching since preschool level (3 years old child) . It shows encouraging result, with 60%passed exam at elementary one level (8 years old child). Our expectation is to enhance further the above result. This mobility project plays a key role to reach our success objective. - It is fully integrated in our school project so called "Becomes a responsible European Citizen" - It allows , for volunteer teacher , to enhance their personnal development plan , with a valid and well recognized training at European level ( EUROPASS and EURO MOBILITY). At the end of this training, teachers can share their experiences ; collect some references that could be used by a large schools network. - This project involve the entire educative community : teachers , parents, students preparing and following this project end to end. - It permits to stimulate teachers to communicate across the European teacher's community. - It will bring additionnal value for our school, especially when we will communicate externally on this mobility program as well as the benefit induced to exams result. This will be promoted through our local and regional Medias. - We could then envisage expanding our future partnership through from our school network and up to European Schools partners. To summerize , considring the European community development , exchanges globalization, foreign language learning as English since the early age of our Childs, is our priority for our teachers'community. Our objectives are : - To facilitate the foreign language learning to our young students , with a more modern and new methods - To ease access to new foreign culture for our young students.

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