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AppHelp4SMEs – Apprenticeship Helpdesk for Small and Medium Size Enterprises
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to build the capacities of key intermediary bodies in two EU countries – Cyprus & Poland - for providing tailored support to SMEs for taking on apprentices.Key Objectives:1. To develop the first of its kind national apprenticeship support service for SMEs in Cyprus and Poland offered by intermediary bodies such as Chambers of Commerce, Professional & Trade Associations, National Agencies directly supporting SMEs; 2. To develop and deliver the Apprenticeship Facilitator Training for appointed staff at intermediary bodies and key stakeholders in Cyprus and Poland;3. To develop a national on-line Apprenticeship Recourse Center, for Cyprus and Poland - a central hub for SMEs and Apprenticeship Facilitators; 4. To develop a national and transnational network of trained Apprenticeship Facilitators (contact points) for maximizing the impact of the project at national and EU level; 5. To raise awareness amongst the SMEs, national stakeholders and across EU, about the benefits of apprenticeship schemes with high quality in-company training. The immediate impact of the project will be to increase the capacity of key intermediary bodies in Cyprus and Poland, to facilitate and promote the engagement of SMEs with the apprenticeship scheme. The Apprenticeship Helpdesk will be the first established support mechanism offering direct support to SMEs in Cyprus and Poland filling an existing gap. A total number of 200+ SMEs (100 in Cyprus and 100 Poland) will be offered tailored support for taking on apprentices during the lifetime of the project with the goal of matching this number with actual NEW apprenticeship placements. A transnational partnership between 3 EU countries (Cyprus, Poland & UK) with a total number of 7 core partners and 4 associate partners (Poland) – representing Chambers of Commerce, Employer & Trade Associations, Public Agencies, Government bodies, and the Formal VET sector have joined forces to implement this high impact project.

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6 Partners Participants