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"Ápolás és tapasztalatszerzés Németország 3 tartományában"
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Compared to the 149 students of the previous year, Minerva Secondary School was able to start the 2015/2016 academic year with 450 students as it changed its educational profile last September. The reason is that the state stopped subsidizing the traditional Tourism and Logistics courses. As a result, application to the school significantly decreased. It was a new situation, new courses were introduced like nursing and the social care education. To ensure the practical training for nursing students we were searching opportunities. It was achieved when last year our nursing students participated in a foreign practice within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, and it was a milestone in the history of the school. Therefore, we would like to follow this practice with the aim of making health jobs more attractive for our students with an opportunity of professional practice abroad. It is a real success that the number of students has tripled this year. We wish to maintain or even boost this trend by working on with existing partners or inviting new ones. Our next objective is improving the professional educational standard of our school by learning and adapting good foreign practices.The teachers of our school are willing to support our students in obtaining not only a professional certificate but also finding a high-level and certified professional practice abroad.Within this project we would like to send 14 students to Germany for a 4-6 week practice in the period of 15.07.2016.-03.09.2016.AWO Sozialdienst Rostock : 4 person (4 weeks)JugendSozialwerk Nordhausen : 4 person (6 weeks)Stiftung ICP München: 6 person ( 6 weeks) The students are "Practising nurse", "Practising baby nurse", "Medical and sport masseur "Child carer" in the 13./14. years. Teachers of theoretical and practical subjects, as well as language teachers survey potential beneficiaries. The tender is called on the basis of equal oppotunities. Following this, the professional teachers and the German language teacher will have a motivational interview with applicants to select the best candidates. Then, the offers of the receiving partners are matched to the needs and the skills of these applicants in order to allocate applicants to receiving partners. Students’ professional and language skills are surveyed in order to modify their preparation at school. If possible, „reservists” are also prepared for the program. According to the new method, the German language training will be ’central’. Nevertheless, we would like to prepare our students using the best practice of the traditional method. We would like to test the steps of introducing ECVET; the work program is implemented in learning modules where the focus is on the outcome. / See the attachment. / Implementation of ECVET will be monitored by both the accompanying teacher and the inspecting head of school. New receiving partners will evaluate each participant on the basis of Europass, plus 12 criteria in detail. We would also like to test this method, and if it works the school will adopt it as a good practice of accepting completed practice. At the end of the project, the finished work is evaluated at a ceremony; Europass Mobility Certificates and other related documents are handed out. ECVET certificates are also handed out at this conference. All participants: German partners, interested people and students are all invited to this program-ending conference. It will be followed by the clearings, the assessment, preparing financial reports, multi-channel dissemination of results. It will be highlighted that the project has been supported by the EU, within the Erasmus+ program. The results will be put on the school website. The short-term impact of the project is on the participants who have acquired new professional and language knowledge, and found new personal and professional contacts. The long-term impact of the project is on the international relations of the school and the companies. As there are several program participants from both countries, we would like to further strengthen the international network built during the project; to find partners in other EU member states in order to be able to do quality mobility programs in our professional field next year.Another long-term impact of the project is that it enhances the participants’ understanding and accepting different cultures while helping them get rid of prejudices and significantly improve their empathy.

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