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APL för vuxenutbildning vård och omsorgsutbildning
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sweden is a multicultural country and it is important that the students knowledge how other countries organize health and social care and to meet new cultures. The open labour market makes it possible for students to search for job in other countries. The aim of the project is to give the students possibility to test working and living in a EU-country during a work placement in health and social care during 4 weeks. They also get knowledge about care training I other countries and what competencies are required if you want to work as assistant nurse abroad. We plan to send 20 students to a work placement abroad during the project time. The students attend semester 3 in the adult education of the health and care program. The students will do the placement in the orientation they have chosen. An adequate placement is arranged by the receiving country after contact between the international coordinators concerned. The project will be implemented following the guidelines we have agreed on in the LOI. The communication will take place continuously between the responsible coordinator in every country in order to administrate the project. The students will be prepared for the work placement in different ways, for example linguistically and culturally. In the orientation chosen by the student the goals of the course will be prepared by the teacher. Our expectation is the new experiences will make the student more flexible, more innovative and reach a high social and cultural competence to meet future changes and the future labor market. An important goal is to ensure high quality during the work placement. The students will be better prepared for the mobile labor market inside EU. Another aim of the project is to improve the status of the Health and care education and the professional role of assistant nurses.
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