European Projects
Antwort der Schule auf die Jugendprobleme
Antwort der Schule auf die Jugendprobleme
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
The tasks of schools have radically changed in the 21st century. The educational institutions are not only expected to teach enormous knowledge but they are, under these altered circumstances supposed to assist in the up to date upbringing of students. Families very often fail to provide real support to the youth, they fail to find real answers to their problems. As a matter of fact, schools are challenged to give a professional solution and response to the problems of young people. We are well aware of this deficiency phenomenon.
Within the framework of this project we are going to look for common solutions to European problems of this kind by means of united international efforts. A new school subject has to be created and integrated into the actual syllabus of the participating countries. This way, students can systematically make use of the time to face issues like national traditions and globalising, social responsibility, problems of manipulation and addiction to media, generation gap and unemployment of young professionals. In the course of these lessons they will be facilitated to learn about communication and problem solving strategies. The objective of this project is the precise outlining of a syllabus for the above mentioned and similar issues, which can be utilized at schools by means of classification of the topics, didactic tools and a workbook.
There are five nations to take part in the project. The participants are supposed to enhance the whole project considerably through their own experience and competence. Hungary, as the coordinator, has already launched an initiative to include similar content into the secondary education, that is why it would lead the project and would expect to gain international experience. Bulgaria, as a former socialist country, had gone through similar development like Hungary. Therefore, the experience of this nation is very important for us. Germany also adds to the partners. There, in the founder state of the EU, the democracy gained ground much earlier than in the Eastern countries. Civil rights and children’s rights had been playing a completely different role. Therefore, the comparison of the situation of today’s youth and their problems is of great significance. The other two partners, Italy and Portugal have considerably different school systems, and due to different mentality the development of the youth has also gone on in a different way. The cooperation among these diverse countries is expected to produce a wide spectrum to be analysed.
Teacher and student teams are intended to be formed to accomplish the project. The communication among the participating countries will be carried out through an eTwinning platform and emails. The continuity of the work during the two years will be maintained and completed by management and project meetings. Furthermore, we are going to organise trainings in form of mobilities to enable both teachers and students to receive professional training regarding the topics of the project.
Within the two years’ time we are going to produce a syllabus, as well as a theme together with a workbook. We will try to have this syllabus integrated into the curriculum of each of the participating countries. This way, the theme together with the didactics cannot only be made use of by the participating schools but by many more, too.