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Antwerp Consortium on the Organization of Rulemaking and Multilevel Governance in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The establishment of the Centre of Excellence ACTORE (Antwerp Consortium on the Organization of Rulemaking and Multi-level Governance in Europe) is an excellent vehicle to support the consortium’s objectives in the area of research, teaching and outreach to the broader public. The core research, teaching and outreach revolves around the theme of rulemaking and multilevel governance in the EU. The consortium examines how EU multilevel governance impacts upon public policymaking processes in relation to rule-making and rule-implementation, both at the European and the domestic level. Its research program is centered around the interrelated research lines focusing respectively on the complex multilevel governance system of the EU, changing domestic and European rule-making processes and the legitimacy of the multilevel governance system. It will bring added academic value in several respects. In terms of research, ACTORE will facilitate the joint submission of research proposals and the common organization of Ph.D. training; in terms of teaching, ACTORE will function as a hub for EU related teaching in the social science and law faculties, enabling innovation in teaching programs and reaching out to students in other faculties and citizens interested in life-long learning. ACTORE will act as an organizer of events for targeted groups in the broader public. Combining all this, ACTORE engages in research, teaching and outreach activities, all being core features of Jean Monnet Centres.Therefore, ACTORE’s achievement indicators are:- having facilitated interdisciplinary research exchanges within ACTORE and with foreign researchers- having organized the dissemination of research findings to the academic community and the broader public - having stimulated interdisciplinary teaching on the EU reaching broader student audiences- having provided a platform for academics, EU practitioners at various levels and the broader public to share expertise on the EU
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