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Anna van Rijn College Tweetalig & Internatiionaal
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Anna van Rijn College´s educational concept was completely redesigned in close cooperation with students, parents and teachers in the past two years. It aims to offer students custom traditional classes have been replaced by ICT-driven and interactive lessons. Students can choose, in addition to basic lessons from high ability and remedial classes, and talent programs. In the area of Elos, TTO and internationalization, we offer activities to promote European citizenship (CFEC). Quality promotion at Anna van Rijn College consists of various educational and training programs. Training of teachers is established to guide students individually, taking into account their individual learning styles. In the field of ICT and teaching staff is trained, the in-service training for TTO / ELOS teachers is part of the standard TTO & Elos, CAE / CPE level training in CLIL didactics. Twenty teachers spread across various teams will participate in the planned learning activities. Pedagogical training in teaching strategies through Growth mindset is through training in the context of cooperation within the international partnership "Hope". Internationalization activities such as visiting SSAT conferences for coordinators and policy makers, Bett conferences and ICT training for management and staff, participation in international CLIL teachers training conferences. There will be external evaluation by the national network of bilingual education and ELOS network. They will assess the language skills of the teachers and CLIL and intercultural skills. These are coupled to the standards, that play a role. Individual teachers do exams as part of the training followed. Thus TTO teachers must CAE / CPE sufficiently complete. Educational classroom visits and performance interviews are part of the process to continue following teachers after them obtaining the required certificates and if necessary offering further training.
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