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Animated Science

The project intends to contribute to making science education in primary and secondary schools more interesting and motivating to a larger group of students than the situation is today. Reports and tests such as e.g. the PISA Test (Programme for International Student Assessment) show that the students’ literacy in science is poor. Moreover, the students’ interest in science is remarkably low and a large number of people would not consider studying or making a career in the field of science. This project intends to cope with this tendency and will contribute to make science more interesting and appeal-ing to a larger group of students. The way to achieve this aim is to introduce animation as an innovative, inclu-sive and didactic tool and provide the science teachers with an online vocational training tutorial teaching them how to implement animation in their teaching in the primary and secondary schools.The online vocational training tutorial for science teachers will be developed, tested and disseminated by a part-nership of European organisations with expert knowledge and experience in using animation as an innovative learning methodology. In addition, the partners have experience in the development of further education material for teachers and in teacher training. A part of the partnership is currently in the process of developing a teacher training manual on how to teach with animation. These experiences make the partnership very competent in developing a tutorial for teachers. The partners, animators as well as researchers, are used to collaborating with teachers and to transferring alternative teaching methods into concrete lesson plans. Furthermore, they have acquired an understanding of the educational cul-ture of teachers and are capable of combining and transferring the competences from the field of animation to the educational sector. To strengthen the partnership even further, experts in the field of science are also in-volved in the development of the tutorial in order to assure that the illustrated topics are well-chosen and that the lesson plans are applicable.The online vocational training tutorial will consist of concrete lesson plans that will be a step by step guide to the teachers on how to implement animation in their teaching. The concrete lesson plans describe a scientific topic which is illustrated with an animation. Furthermore, the lesson plans include a description on how the animation is made and how the teacher can use it either as an illustration or as an assignment for the students in a teach-ing situation. The tutorial will also include guidance and advices and various examples of animation used in sci-ence. The teachers will get a tool so they are able to approach and communicate dry and difficult topics in an entertaining and different way and gain the students interest in the field of science.
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5 Partners Participants