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Animated Classwork

The primary aim of the Animated Classwork project is to integrate animation creation as a learning tool in the Hungarian VET schools system.We are living in a world of moving pictures; where children are socialized by tv programmes, films and videos. Research evidence shows that children at any age are more interested in movies than in any other form of presentations.The study named Animation in Education: Its impact on Learning, Literacy and Creativity highlights that animation as a learning tool highly motivates children and has numerous positive effects on their learning and on successful personal development. Despite the evidenced positive effects of the method, training provision for teachers in this field is completely missing in Hungary.The Danish School of Education in collaboration with Animated Workshop has developed an educational method using the process of animation creation for specified learning purposes. The work took place in two consecutive Leonardo projects between 2005-2009. The method was tested in schools in DK, EE, ES, FR, UK. Feedback from users was very positive; schools kept using the method after the closing of the projects.Tangible results of these projects were:- On-line teacher training (TT) manual about teaching science with animation (EN, DEN);- DVD and booklet about teaching with animation (EN, DEN);Presently our aim is to transfer this method to Hungary, adapt the existing materials to local needs and enrich the TT Manual by:(1) VET pedagogical aspects;(2) collection of ideas to be used in VET classes;(3) sample animations for VET subjects (hairdresser, construction, health and social worker, food service etc.).All products - including the origin ones - are planned to be made available in Hungarian (new parts in EN also).The method would be tested in 3 VET schools in Hungary to be lead by Handler VET school, partner in the project.The Corvinus University of Budapest would lead the consortium, involving the experts of the original developments from Denmark; Tallinn University from Estonia as pilot and pedagogy expert; Kecskemetfilm the most prominent animation company from Hungary; Handler VET school to guide the adaptation and pilot and ensure integration into the VET system; and L&F Team hairdressers' company to represent the employers' aspect in the project.Results are planned to serve as basis for developing an accredited continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers in HU and a special curriculum module for initial teacher training.The introduction of the method into VET schools is expected to:(1) raise the motivation of teachers by offering professional development;(2) enhance the motivation of students by touching on the world of their interest, consequently lowering drop-out rates;(3) improve learners’ LL competences through project and cooperative methods and thus contribute - in the long run - to better matching between skills supply and labour market demands.

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