Search for European Projects

Angolra hangolva - hangolj az angolra
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our kindergarten is located in the second largest city of Hungary, maintained by the long-standing University of Debrecen. The teachers’ and the parents’ community of the kindergarten as well proposed the enhancement of the intensity of the early English language teaching. The main goal of our application, according to the European Development Plan, accommodate with the pedagogic activities of the institute, and it is intended to further develop the teachers’ foreign language skills and methodological competence. After the completion of the project, the teacher of our institute is going to be able to organize and run early English teaching through game for the Hungarian children inside her group. By the language development inside the group, the integration of our children in lingual minority is going to be more efficient, also are the maintenance and delivery of the multicultural values. The completion of this project helps our institute to cooperate with the former and newer partner institutions. For our institute it is of great importance to communicate and cooperate with the children in our groups, whose mother language is not Hungarian; and with their parents as well. This application supports these aims. Steps of realizing the project: In this project two of our teachers apply for developing their foreign language skills and methodological competence. Details of the chosen study tour: Time of mobility: Type of study tour: Number of participants: Country of Destination: a) 2015.06. / 14 days Jobshadowing 1 United Kingdom b) 2015.07. / 14 days English language course 1 Malta 1. After the establishment of the project team there is an assessment of the institutional needs which is helped by the quality assurance team who evaluate the SWOT analysis. Choosing of the applicants we consider institutional needs, sustainable development, an European dimensions. Choosing the partner organizations, making contact, and the preliminary conciliation of the job activities define the tasks of the preparatory phase. The applicants consciously prepare themselves for a more effective participation. 2. In the implementation phase the job activities going to be clarifies with the international partner institutions. The project team coordinates the many-sided preparation of the applicants. It also supports and evaluates their possibilities of individual language studying and practicing. In the mobility phase the applicants prepare the travel, accommodation and catering for the study visit. 3. During the ending phase takes place the preparation of the application report and the self-evaluation, the evaluation of the sending institution – along with impact analysis – and of the partner institution. The evaluation is continuous and is based on the unified criteria elaborated by the project team during each project phase. We set up the project’s dissemination tasks for the purpose of spreading as many information about the project and its outcomes as possible inside and outside our institution. Developing the foreign language skills of our applicant teachers is a great way to widen the cooperation opportunities with other international institutes along the European values. It creates opportunities to publish the summary of our own methodological experiences and of those that are adapted or gained as foreign good practices. These professional publications can be distributed in international and online papers, in Hungarian or English.

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