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Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As we are considered to be the school which provides pupils with a modern alternative way of education, as well as we are the „family“ type of school (little school where we know each other very well), just four of our teachers will take part in this project. The content of their education will include work with CLIL methods, Methodology & Language for Primary Teachers, English for teachers through practical activities, and updating teaching methods in Training Programme. By means of the experience obtained in these programmes we will be able to develop also after school activities, which will be focused on teaching children together with parents or grandparents. We believe that management of our school will improve communication with foreign institutions and that we also will be able to perform the gained knowledge in conferences for teacher as well as organize workshops for them. We would also like to extend cooperation with the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica, which prepares to-be teachers for their career. The main aims of our project are directed to our pupils: • to improve education in English language and through the modern methods used in various activities in lessons motivate pupils to speak and communicate, to read books or at least magazines, to listen to the lyrics of the songs, to watch films and to chat with friends; all these activities in English language, • to persuade students that English language is one of the most important means of communication and gainig the newest information, getting to know new people, their cultures and their way of life by using everyday activities from life in education, • by means of CLIL methods to widen vocabulary and usage of suitable grammar structures on the topics from various areas of our life and support the propagation of acquired knowledge and experience through „peer“ education. TThe main impact of the project is expected on the following target groups: On our institution: • to improve communication with volunteers of AIESEC organization as well as other foreign institutions, • to heighten pedagogic competences of our teachers, • to increase the level of educational process and cross-curricular activities, • to arrange contacts with the University of Matej Bel, • to arrange contasts with other european institutions while preparing project of K2 Erasmus plus, On students: • to increase the interest in after school activities among students, • to amplify the motivation to study English language, • to prepare students for work and life in EU, • to provide the working conditions on lessons, which will support the interest in education and productiveness. On teachers: • to improve language abilities, • to increase the level of pedagogic competences and skills, • to provide better level of working conditions, • to acquire the knowledge about the latest professional teaching methods, • to develop ability to produce new teaching materials, • to support integration of language competences into other school subjects, • to develop effective usage of accessible resources, • to create conditions for personable development. The other target groups we want to aim our activities on are following: • parents and friends of our school, • university students who are preparing for a teacher profession, • communities of teachers, teachers´ clubs. We believe that successful and active participation in this project will influence the development of our teachers, students as well as the whole institution.

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