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Anestezi ve Reanimasyon Alanında Güvenliğin Sağlanarak Mesleki Bilgi ve Becerilerinin Arttırılması
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project entitled “Increasing Occupational Know-how and Skills in Anesthesia and Reanimation with Safety” is planned for the purpose of to establish new standards in for the training of the anesthesia and reanimation technicians with a practical and sustainable approach. This project will support the works of establishing the necessary infrastructure for the use of modern practices in the education and training of the anesthesia and reanimation technicians and the improvement of the know-how and skills of the participants on these practices in European education system and hospitals. The project results aim to meet the common needs of both the vocational training institutions and hospitals in the area of anesthesia and reanimation. In order to implement this project, we have designed a strong composition of internal and external partnership profile. Especially, we have brought together the actors who deal with the different sides of the problems of anesthesia and reanimation education in the different regions of Turkey. This project will be conducted by the participation of the consortium coordinator , 50th Year Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, and the consortium members composed of Pınar Anatolian Vocational High Schools and Ibn-i Sina Anatolian Vocational High Schools with the participation of a total of 60 students. It will be conducted as a program of training and application that will continue for 2 weeks. Nowadays, surgical operations are not anymore the lastly resorted treatment techniques but is widely practiced thanks to the fast developments in this area. During and after a surgical operation, there is always a risk of complication in different scales. The most frequent complications in the post-operation period are cardiovascular problems, atelectasis, the infections of lesions, paralytic ileus, urinary retention and infections. Unless these post-operation complications are worked out through a good anesthesia planning and post-operation care, they can create traumatic implications for the patients. Pain, disability formation and even death can develop as a result of these complications. They can lead to irrevocable mental and physical losses. Therefore, in this context, our project will provide the opportunity for the participants to learn about the new approaches to anesthesia and reanimation and care practices used during and after the surgical operations and to determine the inadequacies in our system. The occupational qualifications gained through this project will be adopted to the schools and hospitals and transferred to the students of anesthesia and reanimation in our country and, thereby, the post-operation complications will be diminished and prevented. This project will improve the occupational qualifications and competencies of the participant students and the attendant teachers. Also, throughout the mobility, they will be able to improve themselves in terms of cultural and social areas and develop their foreign languages. Our partner institutions will also gain a culture of joint work and project management.

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