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Ancrage professionnel en Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Pablo Neruda high school is a college specialized in tertiary near Nantes (France). It hosts mainly young people who live sometimes in difficult conditions, and have few opportunities to explore Europe. This project aiming to open them to the world essential to lead them to more mobility, better employability, as well as a cultural gateway to Europe.As globalization and weak markets make young people working conditions more drastic ,the measures to increase mobility on the European market are necessary. Through collaborative work within the framework of projects, students broaden their horizons and learn to master indispensable tools to be better trained for the job search on the European labour market.Young people’s living conditions are rapidly changing in Europe. These changes will give young people real opportunities for employment or continuation of studies, there are also new challenges. One of the objectives of the ERASMUS + program is to give young people the knowledge and experience they need to integrate professionally in their own country or abroad.Our project « Professional anchorage in Europe » follows our previous project « A new step towards Europe ».Last year, we started relationships with German partners, financing our preparatory meetings thanks to the OFAJ. This allowed us to meet ROSENHEIM ( near Munich) FOS BOSS, carrier partner for the KA2 project in which we are involved. In this KA2project, we have programmed the placement of 8 French students in internship in Germany. We are not asking for funding for this part of the project. On another hand, we develop with theitalians met during the preparatory visit in September 2014 in Germany a bilateral KA1two-year project that aims to both student mobility ( internship three weeks to 6 French students in Italy), but also a teacher mobility ( job-shadowing in Italy).The European development plan of Pablo Neruda High School is part of the axis III of the academic project « Integration through culture and international openness » and corresponds to objective I-6 school project « Strengthening International trade ».It takes shape since October 2013. The teaching staff of the school has built strong partnerships in the economic environment. A strongly mobilized team created in 2009 a « Practice firm (EEP) », supported by the management team and the Inspection Board. This program will enable it to develop the activity of its international service and strengthen its relations with other EEP network.The project is based on direct contacts and collaborative work on severallevels : students work on the contents together, teachers opyimize their pedagogical knowledge, and disseminate to the public through publications, presentations, exhibitions, advice expert workshops and practices exchange. Contacts through meetings and works produced together will be a motivating force to teach students how to think on a European level and on a global scale.Meanwhile, program participants will strenthen their language and methodological skills. This project aims to reveal talents and facilitate the access of young people from most disadvantaged environment to mobility abroad.
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