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Ανάπτυξη των δεξιοτήτων του προσωπικού του ΣΔΕ Αλεξανδρούπολης με σκοπό την αποτελεσματικότερη ανταπόκρισή του στις ανάγκες των εκπαιδευομένων.
Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The program of Second Chance Schools (SC S) aims at the successful reconnection of individuals, who have dropped out from basic education, with the educational process, as well as the development of their personality and the promotion of their repositioning in the labor market. SCS students come from the general population but also from minorities and disadvantaged groups such as long- term unemployed, repatriates and immigrants. In the case of SCS of Alexandroupolis people from Muslim minority and Roma are also included. The obstacles and difficulties SCS students face have led them to early school leaving. Moreover, while they make a second attempt attending SCS they still have problems which make them drop out again. On top of that, their children who also come from the same vulnerable groups and therefore live in low socio economical conditions have high rates of dropout. It is considered essential due to the school profile that teachers should take part in chosen training programs concerning early school leaving. Furthermore, the continuous improvement of teachers’ skills and knowledge, concerning student diversity management, constitutes a very useful tool for the school, as students come from different social backgrounds and age groups, and they have different experiences and knowledge. Finally, teaching in SCS is based only on innovative methods and flexible educational practices, which lead to effective procedures that focus on the development of student learning skills, their competences, attitudes and values. The basic fields of training that were chosen perfectly meet the school’s needs while they pursue to develop its European dimension and deal with: - staff skills addressing early school leaving - student management with different background and abilities, and - innovative teaching methods and practices Participants’ educational and professional profile is exceptional. The participating group consists of seven educators, with specialty in: Economy- Theology, Mathematics, English and Greek language, Environmental education, Computer science and Psychology Counseling. For the purposes of the school’s plan, before each seminar, all participants will make appropriate preparations on the special subject of each one of them and the teaching methods that will take place. The school’s issues, concerning the training subjects as they come in school’s practice, will be carefully looked upon and recorded, in order to be comprehensively presented during the seminars. The participants will frequently contact with training institutions using new technologies, video conference as well as asynchronous e - learning platform, in order to provide every essential information and knowledge gained, to every host establishment as well as the rest of the staff, who will not participate, achieving best results of the project. Upon completion of the training programs, dissemination activities will take place in order to exploit the new knowledge and skills, within the school environment and beyond. The content of the seminars will be presented to the whole staff. Discussions on integration methods of new knowledge and skills will follow, to meet the needs of SCS of Alexandroupolis, such as workshops, projects, co teaching and microteaching as well as peer mentoring. Once acquired knowledge has been integrated and implemented, evaluation activities will follow, which are expected to result to the appropriate feedback. On local level, dissemination activities will take place by organizing workshops and short term training programs in cooperation with other local stakeholders. On national level SCS of Alexandroupolis will cooperate and share the acquired knowledge with the other 58 SCS in Greece as well as the rest of the educational community. On European level, the experience of the mobility courses will trigger stronger involvement and interaction amongst educators. Further communication with the other participants via e learning platforms as well as sharing experiences and concerns in educational practices will serve as a continuous feedback to the learning process. In the long term the SCS of Alexandroupolis, with its participation in training programs, aims not only at the professional development of individuals but also intends to become a source of dissemination of acquired knowledge to motivate other school and educational communities.
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