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Ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων για την προώθηση της καινοτομίας, της νεανικής επιχειρηματικότητας και την καλλιέργεια δημιουργικών ιδεών των μαθητών της Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is part of a project that develops the teachers’ skills of Vocational Education for the efficient guide of students and the adaptation of curricula of the laboratory courses to modern requirements of the local labor market. The need for the implementation of this project came from continued growth of unemployment rates of graduates of vocational education and young people in our country. Innovation is part of business. In our country, will be developed, so in the future can absorbance big workforce graduate from Vocational Education. The objectives of the program are teachers to gain knowledge and experience in innovation and innovative companies so that they can help EU students to develop, cultivate their creative ideas and create youthful businesses. In general with the implementation of the project will achieve the Developing knowledge of teachers in European programs, the harmonization of European Training schemes, the understanding of new requirements in a consolidated European labor market and their coverage with new skills offered by the EU. The participants are group of 12 teachers specialties of EPAL of Rodopi by all Professional Schools of the prefecture, representative sample of all disciplines, gender and age of teachers who offer services to the Laboratory Centre of Komotini. They are teachers who are specifically interested in further training in VET and are looking for good practices in countries of the European Union. The activities of the project are technical visits to organizations and VET institutions (Vocational High Schools, School Vocational Education and Training) which implement programs that promote innovation, in employment and Job finding institutions, technical visits to companies and business institutions of the region that cooperate with professional schools in employment and employment of their graduates, attending seminars and organizing meetings related to the Educational System, the structure of Vocational Education and the regulatory framework that governs the business operation, completing administrative matters, organize of other programs and selecting the dissemination strategy of the results in cooperation with the host organization. To implement the activities of the project decided mobility of the group in Bologna in Italy from 15.04.2016 until 29.04.2016 with host partner agency Istituto per la Formazione l’Occupazione e la Mobilita (IFOM). 1st Laboratory Centre Komotini is a central location in Vocational Education of Rodopi as provides laboratory facilities, equipment and teachers in all vocational education institutions. This position of our organization gives the opportunity to establish a cooperation network with educational and employment institutions and with business oriented to improve the quality of vocational education and training, exchange of knowledge and experience and the possibility of developing the future transnational cooperation arrangements. Also important is the contact with a different educational culture that may help to improve the school environment and to strengthen the European orientation of the educational process. Obviously, the ultimate receiver of the expected impact will be our students by offering them better guidance for the proper transition from school to the workplace.

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