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Analysis of the impact of the information society (SENSITIC II)
Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project intends to increase use of New Information and Communication Technologies (New ICT) in the key sectors of society (education, health, tourism, culture). Its primary target is regional authorities, but also all companies and citizens who are interested in the development of New ICT and their uses. The project proposes three fields of action: · A General Public section to examine the situation in terms of internet and NICT penetration and to analyse the existing equipment. · A Corporate section aiming to highlight rates of computer ownership and use, as well as what demands and expectations companies have of their equipment. · An Information Society section, dealing with key sectors of society, such as education, health, tourism and culture. Achievements: Preparation for the studies: ✔ Drafting of 6 questionnaires on the impact of ITC for 6 domains (citizens, companies, governance, education, tourism and culture), translated into the four languages of the Programme (English, Portuguese, Spanish and French). ✔ Creation of a database so that each partner (7 regions in the Atlantic Area) can contribute their data collection. Implementation of the studies: ✔ 56 surveys (8 surveys in 7 regions) and 161 questions asked (15,291 citizens and 10,472 companies interviewed), 2,130 regional authorities polled, 1,191 schools polled, 187 museums and 1,852 tourist establishments polled) Publication and dissemination of the outcomes: ✔ Design and creation of brochures of 24 pages each in the four languages of the Programme (25,000 copies). ✔ Design and creation of a website: ✔ Organisation of several seminars and conferences (24/05/04 in Bordeaux-France, 27-28/10/04 in Agen-France, 5/4/05 in Logroño-Spain, 16/1104 in Faro-Portugal, and 29-30/11/04 in Faro, etc.)
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  • 58.8%   661 568,98
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants