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Analyse und Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Berufsbildungssysteme in Großbritannien und Deutschland II - Analysis and comparison of different training systems in Great Britain and Germany II
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Analysis and comparison of different training systems in Great Britain and Germany "is planned for three weeks at a time (group 1: 23/04/ - 13/05/2017 and group 2: 08/04/ - 28/04/2018).The project partners are Berufliches Schulzentrum in Neusäß near Augsburg and ECBM College in London.The project participants are pursuing a dual vocational education and training for being wholesalers, office or industrial clerks. Each project group will consist of 20 trainees.The main goal of this project is the lasting improvement and expansion of personal, social, intercultural and linguistic skills.Another aim is to promote and improve personal and social skills, as students will be required to independently commute to the college and have to live with host families.The exchange will lead to a better understanding of differences and similarities in vocational qualification in Great Britain and increase the participants´ intercultural competence. This goal, however, will not only be based on the actual experiences made in Great Britain, but will also be supported by a preparatory course and an evaluation seminar which will take place in Neusäß after the stay.An increase in linguistic and communicative competences will be achieved, as all participants will have to use English on a daily basis in their host families, internships or during other social activites and by being taught by native speakers in the classroom.The participants are involved in real terms operational procedures in their export-oriented companies and therefore need linguistic and communicative competence in the world language English.The trainees will be taught in the ECBM College during three weeks in London to gain the certificate (KIC) "Kaufmann/-frau International". On the weekends and after finishing college programmes the participants will have the chance to become acquainted with London by visiting theatres, museums, sights or by participating in guided tours. Other excursions - for example to Cambridge and Brighton - are planned as well. This stay will convince the project´s participants to take part in the lifelong improvement of their language skills.Participating will not only improve their chances to get into higher qualified jobs in Germany, but also to get jobs in other European countries and companies as well as in the international subsidiaries of their current employers.In the long run, this mobility activity will not only lead to extensive higher qualifications, but will also diminish the possibility of future unemployment. In addition to that, the trainees will serve as multipliers for the rich intercultural experience they made and will accordingly promote the idea of a European community.The project is based on the interconnection between education and vocational training as well as the integration of British language and culture.

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