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An internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science (GENPORT)
Start date: May 15, 2013, End date: May 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Though the wealth of gender and science resources developed in Europe over the last decade offers enormous potential for knowledge sharing and informed, these resources are dispersed, and have varying degrees of visibility and usability. Globally, too, major gaps in the dissemination of past and present knowledge persist, while new knowledge is constantly being produced. This information needs to be offered in accessible, timely, value-added ways to enhance the potential for its exploitation.Our project creates an internet portal that fulfils this need. Based on extensive consultations with leaders in the field, we will develop an open entry-point to high-quality research, policy reports and practical resources on gender, science, technology and innovation. Five major European country clusters, representing the main gender and science policy environments, will provide resources for initial dissemination and provide the platform for growing the collection worldwide. Policy support will be provided through research syntheses and ICT-enhanced policy briefings. To ascertain the enabling factors for the portal’s sustainability, we will engage stakeholders early on and often, leading to a wider sustainability strategy focusing on ‘crowd-sourcing’ the portal: drawing stakeholders in, sharing knowledge, creating web tools to add value to resources, and exploiting social media to boost the impact of key messages. On-line community activities will generate demand for and use of the portal; 4 concertation meetings and stakeholders events will create synergies for increased collaborations; 20 genPORT ambassadors will promote the portal internationally; and, targeted sustainability actions will attract post-project sponsorship. Our portal, showcasing a vast array of resources and innovative user interaction, will boost practical and policy action by illuminating the contribution of gender equality to science excellence.
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5 Partners Participants