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An internet-based education/training platform in the field of supply chain management, for students, teachers and industrial employees – Education in Supply Chain Managements (SCM)

The project 'Education in Supply Chain Management' will develop an internet-based education/training platform in Supply Chain Management (SCM), that is, an integrated/collaborative approach to business/production processes. The training platform will be targeted at young engineers just beginning their career and at existing SME employees whose skills need upgrading. The project will develop learning material on Supply Chain Management, and will transfer this material to the project's internet learning platform. Learning blocks will address the fundamentals of SCM, analysis of the supply chain process and SCM topics covering planning, logistics and service management. Theoretical lectures and practical exercises on 'supply chain management', based on 'real life' cases of business SCM, sourced locally by project partners, will be developed and made available through the project's training platform. The platform will incorporate business simulations and test cases as key aspects of practical learning, with students working through examples and suggesting possible solutions/improvements to SCM. The training platform will be tested for its suitability as a learning portal for engaging and responding to 'real life' SCM case studies, and for the suitability and workability of its adopted software. Internal project consortium meetings and external networking will contribute to project dissemination using a variety of media.

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4 Partners Participants