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An European Archive of Memories, for the development of social and civic competences of the European citizens

The project takes its cue from the observation in present-day Europe of a series ofproblematic issues transversally afflicting the European social fabric:- Increasing social fragmentation with problems relating to an increasingly multiculturalsociety- Difficulties in relations between the generations, exacerbated by the rapid culturalchanges occurring in society- Problems related to the aging of the European population, with the difficultiesencountered – on the part of older people – in finding an active and recognized rolewithin society (a difficulty which is also due to the changes in the family).- Strong lack of interest in institutions (especially European institutions) on the part ofcitizens, along with difficulty with various forms of participation in social and political life.The aims of European Memories is to contribute, by means of autobiographical andhistorical methodologies, tools, activities and the use of web technologies, to thedevelopment of social and civic competences for European citizens.Objectives:1. Create permanent tools (in particular the “European Memories”) with a digitalarchive of stories of European citizens, in different digital languages (text, photo, audioand video format), and in the main European languages2. Create adult education activities through the telling of life stories; for thepromotion of social and civic competences; for and through the consolidation, extensionand qualification of a network of institutions; through volunteer workers in the field ofautobiography, memory, social work and language teaching and translation, and for thepurposes of interdisciplinary exchanges and production and valorization ofautobiographies and life stories.3. To create products and dissemination activities of the stories of Europeancitizens (such as the European Autobiography Festival and the final project publication).The project will involve a broad number of European citizens of every age and socialcondition, as well as a broad number of European organisations of Adult Educationinterested in the theme of memory and of the autobiographical methodologies as aneducational tool.The project will create products and activities, such as the European Competition, thedigital Archive of European Memories and storytelling groups addressed to try andensure the sustainability of the initiative.

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