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an-Baltic organizations and MLG in the EU Baltic Sea Region (Pan-Baltic organizations and MLG in the EU Baltic Sea Region)
Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By the end of 2013, the HALs will have had a dialogue with the relevant pan-Baltic Organisations like the UBC, CPMR, Baltic Sea Commission, BSSSC, BaltMet, CBSS and B7 to discuss how their work could be more integrated with the development and implementation of the EUSBSR. Achievements: A study on Pan-Baltic organizations and MLG in the EU Baltic Sea Region was published. The aim of this study is to be a further step towards one of the objectives of HA Involve, which is strengthening cooperation with pan-Baltic organizations. To do so, the results presented in these pages are based on a survey that gave these organizations a chance to put their voice on record, outlining their role and work from their own perspective. Furthermore, the ques¬tionnaire allows to investigate how the concept of mul¬ti-level governance is understood among the actors involved in the Baltic Sea region, contributing thus to further discussion on its development and possible implementation within the EUSBSR. The results pro¬vide both further evidence of already known problems (such as the insufficient involvement of certain actors) and new material for a better understanding of how pan-Baltic organizations work with MLG and are invol¬ved in the EUSBSR cooperation. To conclude, on the basis of the results of this study, HA Involve sees a need for further work in developing policies and guidelines for implementing MLG within the framework of the EUSBSR cooperation. The per¬ceived lack of political commitment from the national governments, the under-involvement of the local ac¬tors and the arising of a competition model are seri¬ous threats to the future of the Strategy that need to be addressed by the leading actors of the EUSBSR. Pan-Baltic organizations are a largely unexploited re¬source that could play an important contributory role in addressing such challenges, and therefore their in¬volvement in the leadership of the Strategy needs to be embedded.The report is available under
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