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Ampliando la dimensión europea en el Broch i Llop
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Broch i Llop High School is a public secondary school located in Vila-real (Castellón, Spain), which opened in 2004.During these years we have created a dynamic, interdisciplinary and multicultural center. In addition we are a quality, multilingual and intelligent School. One of our main objectives is the understanding of different cultures and educate our students in a comprehensive manner, with the participation of their families and therefore improving our social environment, while providing them with the opportunity to complete their education through various activities, school exchanges and cultural trips.We have had an experimental program in CLIL (multilingual) from the 2009-2010 school year. Over the last seven years, a total of 10 teachers of different subjects (Math, Arts, Theater, Technology, Geography and History and Physical Education) have taught Units in English, French and Italian. Our students have benefited from teaching content in a foreign language at different levels of learning (from their 1st year to their last year).Our primary goal with this project is to expand the multilingual pilot program progressively, so that eventually we can establish a line in a foreign language (English) in our center, and thus adapt to the increasing demand in this sense that we are living in our society and more specifically in our city, Vila-real. We also want to establish a European Development Plan so that all the activities that we perform get effectively transmitted to our environment (teachers, parents, students and the social environment of the School).We want to establish measurable objectives for the coming school year 2016/2017, which will include:- Increasing to 10% teachers with specific training in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).- Increasing to 15% the staff and students involved in the multilingual pilot program.- Increasing to 20% the staff and students involved in any activity related to mobility and European projects.Teachers who undertake courses, will improve their language proficiency in a foreign language, will improve their ability to use a foreign language as a means of transmitting knowledge, will exchange ideas and experiences with teachers from other European countries, will improve their knowledge the CLIL methodology, will acquire the knowledge to make teaching materials of their subjects in a foreign language, and will improve their digital competition.
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