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Ampliando Horizontes en la FCT
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project is called WIDENING HORIZONS IN VETOur Project consists in taking 11 students of our VETPRO families in our school to complete 5 weeks of their compulsory practical training in enterprises in Germany and France in order to increase their employability. We would like to offer them a unique occasion to strengthen their professional, communicative, social and intercultural skills.Context:The IES Francisco García Pavón (Tomelloso) is a secondary school offering a wide range of vocational education in very different professional areas: automobile, electronics, health, personal image/beauty, commerce and administration. It’s the only vocational secondary school in the wider area with such a comprehensive offer in vocational education at levels 2 (middle) and 3 (superior). Our students come from Tomelloso, a village with around 50.000 inhabitants and the larger area of about 50 km. Our school is set in an essentially rural context, strongly hit by the economic crisis. It's a High Risk School. The school tries to encourage its students to carry out their training period in a much wider context than in their own village or area, many of them have never left.Number and profile of the participants:We would like to send 11 level 2 students out of different professional areas of our school to carry out 5 weeks of their compulsory practical training in Germany and France. All the students are standing out for their academic results and their maturity enabling them to face a challenge of this kind. They are all young people who have just finished their first year in their VET in our school. Some of them could be minors under 18 years old. We plan to send 7 students from automobile, personal image/beauty and health programs to Germany and 2 students from the administration and commerce programs are foreseen to carry out this training period in France.Activities:All of the students will previously receive a preparation concerning the country of destination’s language and culture. During their stay abroad, the students carry out their compulsory work plans as required by the training program in order to obtain their vocational training degree.MethodologyOnce we start the training in Germany and France, the enterprises begin with activities having less linguistic components. After an initial time of adaptation, the students’ tasks will increase in complexity, always according to their linguistic and communicative abilities, which they committed to enlarge as fast as possible. Therefore, students will finally be able to fulfill all tasks stipulated in their respective working plans.Results and foreseen impact:The most immediate intended impact is the additional value the program adds to our students’ CVs. Having met successfully the challenges of a training period in a much more demanding context, on a personal, professional, linguistic, and intercultural level, is a point that can well make the difference when an employer has to decide on filling a vacant position. Our project favors the development of a professional and personal maturity that many enterprises appreciate in their employees.Expected long term benefits: In the long run we hope the training programs in foreign countries benefit our school. It’s an encouraging point for our students. Our international projects offer more chances to find a good professional outcome to our students and at the same time stress the value to foreign languages and cultural studies, easily sidelined in vocational education. We hope we can broaden horizons in our school, which already has an international character for the diversity of its students and our experience in programs like COMENIUS, LEONARDO and ERASMUS+. We envisage being an open school, where our students come to receive an education that enables them to live up to the challenges of a rapidly changing economic and professional environment in a European and global context. Broadening horizons through international cooperation will undeniably be a strong asset in accomplishing this objective.

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