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Amélioration de nos compétences linguistiques
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is located in a rural area , and as part of our school project, exchanges with European schools are preferred. The school principal and a teacher , only empowered the school decided to go to London to carry out if the project. We can improve our language skills and discover London 's cultural heritage. We will take language courses over the two weeks so we can talk more easily and take advantage of the context to write a London book that will serve other school colleagues .This experience will have a positive impact on our students about their motivation, interest , and will position themselves as European citizens . They will have the most effective teachers linguistically , able to self- evaluate and continue to progress through their language passport. But it also will serve our school about the implementation of the language project to establish correspondence on e -twinning platform . Colleagues enjoy an enriching teaching practices by the dynamism that we will make in our return, and we 'll bring documents. In the long run, this will initiate the envy of training in our team, so that all students fully live experiences on e -twinning .
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