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Ambassadors for children's rights
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For the period 2014 - 2015 FIMCAP will focus on the topic of children’s rights. In this period we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the rights of the child. A lot has happened in the past 25 years, yet we still see a big need to work on children's rights. Children and young people are often not heard, and decisions not taken in their best interest. Children and young people still face violence, at home, in school, on the internet or in their country. And when we think that some issues like child labor are no problem anymore in our countries, we forget that our behaviour as a consumer often keeps such practices alive elsewhere in the world. As youth organizations, it is our task to build a society in which these rights are guaranteed for every child. We have to do this together with the children and young people and listen to their ideas and their needs. These are their rights and they should be given ownership over them. Each project partner will select 5 local youth leaders (age range 18-30). These youth leaders will work a year long on the topic of children's rights, in order to become true “ambassadors on children's rights”. These youth leaders will receive the challenge to work as a team and to develop an end product presenting 25 ways to work on children’s rights. The idea is not to invent new materials or games because we are aware that already incredible much exists. The objective is more to research what exists and distill 25 ways they see fit for youth leaders and youth movements. The format of the end product (website, publication, …) and the 25 ways will be completely in the hands of the ambassadors, of course with the needed guidance from us. We will focus on 3 levels of action: individual action, actions for local groups and actions for youth organizations (regional/national level). The main activity will be a 4-day seminar hosted in Malta in May 2015. The participants will receive a broad introduction into the topic of children’s rights via workshops, simulation games and discussion rounds. By approaching the topic from different angles and by using different methodologies we want to raise awareness about which rights we are talking and what they mean in real life. Specific attention will also be given to culture and intercultural communication, making the participants aware about the challenges of working together with youth leaders coming from different cultural backgrounds. The last day of the seminar will focus on the next steps of the project, to give the participants the time and the place to brainstorm on how they want to approach the project challenge (the end product of 25 ways to work on children’s rights) and how to bring the experience of this project to their own youth organization. We want to make clear that these rights of the child are not an end goal, but a tool that must be used. With this project we aim to search for the best ways in using this tool.
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8 Partners Participants