Alternative Karrierechancen für Studienaussteiger/..
Alternative Karrierechancen für Studienaussteiger/innen - Abbruch heißt Neustart
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
INITIAL SITUATIONSelecting the wrong field of study, too much pressure to perform, financial problems or poor grades are frequently reasons for early termination of studies. Young adults who terminated their studies before getting graduated face the challenge what to do without qualification. Very often such dropouts are taking odd jobs or positions for unskilled workers in order to survive and in worse case are relying on state assistance.At the same time dropouts have substantial, formally acquired professional skills and knowledge which differentiate them from the successfully graduated students only by not having a formal document, diploma or certificate, which confirms a completed formal education. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATIONAgainst this background the West German Chambers of Crafts and Skilled Trades´ Council (WHKT) has completed between 2013 and 2015 in North Rhine-Westphalia a pilot project “from dropout to a master student”. The goal was to identify new career opportunities in the craft sector ( ERASMUS+ project "alternative career opportunities for dropouts – termination means restart" takes this successful approach in order to bring the developed products in the above-described project, ideas and insights into a European and cross-sectoral information exchange.OBJECTIVES/RESULTSFor this purpose the consortium in the project has set and aimed the following objectives:A) Transfer of methods for counselling dropoutsB) Build up a network for counselling dropouts via social mediaC) Transfer of an information-brochure for companies (and regional adaptation)D) Transfer of an information-brochure, how academic achievements can be acknowledged for a professional activity (and regional adaptation)E) Transfer of best-practice examples in the project countries (dropouts)F) Transfer of a sponsorship model: build up a pool to support dropoutsTARGETGROUPSA) primary target group are dropouts in the project partner countries (AT, BG, DE, HU, GR, TR)B) secondary target group are consultants, coaches and stakeholder in the project partner regions (of dropouts)TRANSNATIONAL COVERAGE In all partner countries there is a great need for action to support dropouts (betw. 15% and 30% of all first-year students break off their study and have great difficulties in the future and limited career choices).For this reason, the project partners have agreed to combine their expertise, exchange knowledge/information and transnationally develop and disseminate together a model "alternative career opportunities for dropouts". Different project teams (composed of min. 2 partner countries) work on implementing the respective objectives.IMPACT AND BENEFITSAll project partners expect:A) to consult dropouts better and efficient with the new developed tools B) to be able to incorporate dropouts in the labour market easier and more efficient.In parallel to this, potential employers (companies and institutions) will benefit from hiring good educated dropouts as employees and make use of the currently available studies at the universities.
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