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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 'ALLIER MOBILITE PLUS 3' application enables to root a long-term mobility plan between our three Schools which have made international co-operation a priority in each School Policy. This project also strengthens the link between our three vocational colleges which face the same issues which are economical -youth unemployment-geographical – enclosure-, and are addressing the same school population – students with learning difficulties, lacking opportunities, having few contacts with a foreign environment, and dreading to leave their familiar environment. We are adding one extra objective to the renewed objectives of the former applications. - Improving the students’ future employability thanks to a European-scale work experience which will allow them to gain professional and individual skills such as autonomy, self-esteem, adaptability and self-confidence. - Extending our mobility offer to every single occupational course taught in our colleges. - Developing the European dimension of our colleges by hosting / placing students from partner colleges, and also by organizing incoming and outcoming staff mobility. - Consolidating the links between Education and Industry by expanding our mobility offer to companies’ tutors. The students involved in this project are final year basic education pupils and second and final year intermediate students. This time, a wider range of students will be able to benefit from our mobility offer thanks to new partnerships, students from the Cooking occupational field - more particularly from Catering - a field in which no companies could be found before. The students preparing an Arts and Crafts Certificate – French BMA Brevet des métiers d'art – are also applying for work placements abroad after hearing from former students’ successful mobility stories. The students will be preferably placed in companies or in training centres, in accordance with each vocational curriculum since these internships are an integral part of the training courses followed by the students. Internships being mandatory, they will be taken into account and help the students pass their diplomas. The work placement sites suit the students’ skills, particularly with regard to their language skills. Whenever possible, the colleges will provide cultural as well as linguistic preparation for the students travelling to some countries. The candidates will be selected in a transparent manner in each college so that each and every mobility experience may be successful. The staff and companies’ tutors will be hosted or placed in partner colleges or companies. They will essentially carry out observation activities but improve their educational and practical experience also. Mobility will be organized in each college by the coordinators assisted by their mobility teams in strict connection with the le consortium Board. The participants, their parents, and the consortium partners will be evaluated as regularly as necessary. The colleges will disseminate about this project before, during and after the mobility. This project will enable all the selected students to improve their language skills, to gain new skills leading them to be more likely successful with their exams, and in the long term to become more employable, more self-confident, more aware of the fact that mobility is possible and necessary to find a job and can be linked with ambition as well. The mobility of staff should enable them to analyse and improve their educational experience. The mobility of companies’ tutors should enable them to strengthen their links with their interns, to take into better account future job applicants’ mobility experiences thanks to their Europass passports, to allow a large number of European students to be placed in their companies, and to consolidate the links between Education and Industry. Thanks to this project, young Europeans will be hosted in foreign countries where they will talk about their home countries and their culture, hence possibly arouse interest for mobility in their peers’ or tutors’ minds. On the scale of our three colleges, we expect a rise in students enrolling in the so-called ‘European course', as well as a rise in the numbers of people willing to experience mobility on their own – students, staff, and companies’ tutors. In the long term, we expect a better publicity for our colleges so that future students choose to be taught in our schools by choice and no longer unwillingly. Thanks to European publicity, we will enjoy better recognition from French and foreign companies with which closer links will develop.

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