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Aller Travailler en Europe pour mon Avenir (ATEA = la porte en langue basque)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is aimed at sending 22 selected trainees in the European Union for the twelfth year. 1) The four professional courses proposed in our school are concerned with training periods in the European Union. -Vocational High School Diploma « Management of a farm » which corresponds to agriculture and breeding courses. Those students intend to work as agricultural technicians or farmers. -Vocational High School Diploma « Management of Cats and Dogs breeding » which corresponds to pet courses. Those students intend to work among dogs and cats as breeder, dog handler, dog trainer in the army , the police, dog units . -Vocational High School Diploma « Services to people and territory » which corresponds to health and social courses. Those students intend to work as nursing auxiliary, educator, home assistant, nurse assistant. -Vocational High School Diploma « Technician adviser in the sale of pets « corresponds to sale of pets courses. Those students intend to work as salesmen in pet shops, garden centres… In June-July 2016, 22 students will be selected in their second year of high school to go for a training period on the ERASMUS+ 2015 program. 2) The program is aimed at : 21)Increasing the technical skills of our students 22)Better knowing the markets and neighbbours’ savoir-faire 23)Increasing mobility, enterprising mind, open-mindedness 24)Developing the links school-company 25)Highligting the different courses provided in our school 26)Supporting the European action The final aim of mobility is to make employment easier for our students and at the same time to arouse their citizenship on their territory,their country and Europe. 3) Evaluations The training periods abroad are part of the 14 to 16 compulsory training weeks of their Vocational High School Diploma. Concerning the Internship report ,they are not considered in the second year of high school,but in the continuous assessment. Every European trainee will be given his « Euopass-mobility » 4) New structures have become our partners On the ERASMUS+ 2015 program, a new partner structure can be counted in our list : - LEASAPET NAVARRA : a shop which offers various services dealing with dogs : boarding kennels, grooming, dogs products and accessories… It takes to 28 the number of partner structures that we can rely on ,with a possibility of 40 placements. (see file enclosed) 5) An involved vocational high school (12 persons) We will proceed like this : -ENGLAND : coordination by Mrs Pascale Aramburu, assisted by Mrs Karine Garcia -SPAIN : coordination by Mrs Augustine Gastearena ,assisted by Mrs Marie-Ange Castège -IRELAND : coordination by Mrs Patricia Céambelar assisted by Mrs Claudine Arhancet Those 6 persons will go and help the students at the beginning and at the end of their training period. 4 other teachers will also be in charge of the trainees especially concerning the professional techniques. Mr Christophe Gaget, headmaster and Mrs Véronique Néquecaur ,accountant of the high school, will be in charge of the administrative and financial management . 6) Our European projects change our practices at school. They involve : 6.1) the integration of the notion of european citizenship . The notion of mobility is also explained to our students in the courses of langauges and sociocultural education. That increases the number of candidates to mobility and the the desire for classes to go for study trips, in the states of European Union. 6.2) the integration of mobility in the communication with the families concerning the pursuit of studies in our school or elsewhere. Mobility and certification are two main advantages in the recruit of students since they increase the appeal of our school. 6.3) Mobility is put forward as an argument for our students (holder of high school diploma ) in their pursuit of studies in advanced technician's certificate classes (two-year technical degree).This is all the more useful as some classes propose training periods abroad.Our former students who have already experienced a training period abroad usually go on for studies in higher education.

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6 Partners Participants