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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

a) Background/HistoryA long-term education strategic plan has been designed by the school. The implementation of the project objectives faces various problems. In short term, such a problem is early school leaving. In the past, solutions to similar problems have been solved under the guidance of the European Union and its institutions. Positive results of previous projects have released, the Parents’ Association not only support but also encourage school teachers to apply for similar programs inside the frame of the European Union while such a reaction was untypical some years ago. Keeping up with such successful results, our school wishes to emphasize and solve the problem of early school leaving using the tools provided by the Erasmus + Programm.b) ObjectivesBoth general and specific aims of the project have been mentioned in detail in the above sections of this application. General targets contribute to the upgrading of the educational system, to the promotion of knowledge and integration between school students.The specific goals have been planned on a short term basis. The primary object on organizing the present project is to reduce the early school leaving. Specifying this primary goal in numbers, it means to reduce early school leaving in Rodopi province below 8%. This reduction will be achieved in a great part by learning and acquiring new teaching methods. Participating in European programs creates a European culture in our school.c) ProfileParticipants in the project will be 6 teachers. They have been selected according to the following profile.General: Their educational background. The subjects taught by the participant teachers will cover all fields. As a result, the acquired knowledge will spread to Literature, Maths and Social Studies.Wish: The participation of the teachers in the project is optional. This way, the quality of the project will be ensured.Experience: All participating partners have the necessary experience. Duration: Special reference should be noted to the participation of new colleagues. Our approach expressed by the motto "an experienced next to a freshener " aims to transfer knowledge and experience across the school teaching board.d) DescriptionThe program will be held for a year. There will be seminars in European countries as well as teaching in a Spanish school. Courses: The courses are designed to implement innovative teaching methods that will reduce early school leaving. They will cover a wide range of subjects such as arts and ITC.Teaching in foreign schools: School teachers will teach in a real environment. They will implement innovating lesson plans and practice different methods. They will disseminate the good practices of a Greek school to the hosting school. e) MethodologyThe methodology has qualitative and quantitative elements. To ensure the quality of the project all actions will be written in the projects journal. In order to measure the results we will try to use “numbers” ensuring the quantitative prospect of the project.f) Results The short term results of the program (as described) are expected to reduce the dropout rates of Rodopi province from the high 8%. New teaching methods and techniques are expected to replace some old fashion ones at the rate of 20%. Innovating school and class administration will be enhanced into school system (when possible and/or permitted).g) Impact – dissemination The dissemination of the program will be classified:a) According to the participating partners.1. Internal: Will introduce the project to everyone in the school community (students, teachers, parents of the students, stakeholders of the school)2. External: The local community, the local and regional authorities will be informed about the results of the project.b) According to time:1. Short term diffusion: The short term diffusion aims to the members and institutions which are “in touch” with the school during the project.2. Long-term diffusion: Long term goals aim to using the results and organizing similar projects in the future.

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