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All together for a sustainable future
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ATFASF is a project that brings together teachers from various subjects and students from different vocational teaching, in a common goal, which aims the acquisition of skills and competences through innovative learnings, and, therefore, the improving and modernization of our institution in the medium / long term with a view to quality and excellence of all its stakeholders, especially those who hold a key role in the teaching- learning process. Integrating a search process for implementing strategies that enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of our school, and in continuity with the previous Leonardo da Vinci VET learners mobility, ATFASF operates in 2 parts: the training of teachers and leaders and Initial Vocational training for students. The first part aims to provide to 11 teachers innovative digital skills and competences, methodologies and pedagogies with significant success in classroom and in managing collaborative educational projects. Through 2 courses linked to new technologies applied to Education, with different content and approaches, we aim to overcome the training needs expressed by teachers and leaders, in an internal inquiry. A 3rd training oriented to educational innovation as a way to combat failure and school dropout allow the beneficiaries to interact directly with other European educational institutions, reflecting , sharing and discussing new strategies , solutions and methods to overcome the problem. Through observation and knowledge of success stories from similar institutions as well as seminar/ workshops with experts, it is expected a system and practices improvement in our school. The 3 training programs will be in: - Italy - "Educational Innovation , failure and Combating School Dropout " from 11 to 01/18/2015 ( 1 flow ) / 12 to 19/04/2015 ( 2nd flow ) , with a total of 5 participants. - Poland - " Web 2.0 tools for an effective teaching and project work" 03 / 08 to 08/12/2014, with 3 participants . - Malta - " Continuous Professional Development in the Use of ICT Tools in Collaborative , Project - Based Teaching and Learning " from 31/ 08 to 09/06/2014 , with 3 participants . All of them have a strong practical and real applicability in an educational context. In this sense, the learning outcomes acquired during the trainings will be provided and disseminated to other teachers in sessions / workshops during the next school year, so that everyone can take advantage of the acquired knowledge. It is hoped likewise that there will be more collaborative projects in our school and with other schools in Europe. The materials produced will be shared on platforms intended for this purpose, devising a common database with the products and relevant ideas applicable and/ or adaptable in the classroom / target vocational course. The 2nd part of this project focuses on creating a unique opportunity to experience the world of work in an international context, drawn and designed for 15 of our young people from disadvantaged background. This mobility focused on environmental, social and economic sustainability aims to raise awareness among beneficiaries about the importance of a conscious and responsible entrepreneurship, but also in providing equality and skills/ competences for inclusion. Thus, in Seville - 4th largest city in Spain , from 01/ 02 to 28/02/2015 - participants will integrate companies that, in urban areas, develop professional activities that become life projects making the difference today and that will make a difference in the future. This mobility aims to encourage: - Employability of beneficiaries and ideally get them to create their own jobs; - Strengthening and / or acquisition of communicative, social and professional skills; - Adoption of ECVET system; - The development of personal values and of a strong, cohesive and coherent citizenship. The project ATFASF will take place over 12 months. The evaluation will address the formal and informal skills and competences in a traditional way and trough ECVET system and will, to the possible extent, measure the impact of the formal and non-formal learnings in the medium/long term through by e.g. the opinion of Parents / Guardian , teachers , Class Advisors and Course Coordinator, inquiries,.. . The monitoring will be done by the sending institution and the partners acording to the agreements. ATFASF increments an essential intrinsic incentive: the motivation , required for the students, teachers and leaders, so that they can face the future with greater uniformity , commitment and satisfaction , thus ensuring an investment from all of them in the quality of our institution . Our school intends to open the doors to Europe and the world, collaborating efficiently on all projects that promote more and better education , creating in the medium term the necessary conditions to be also an welcome organization to receive the various learning initiatives promoted by the Erasmus + .
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5 Partners Participants