European Projects
All for Health and Health for All
All for Health and Health for All
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
The K2 Erasmus + project ”All for Health and Health for All ” brings together 6 public schools from six European countries: Spain, Romania,Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland and Italy. Romanian and Turkey had previously participated in LLP projects, SPAIN, BULGARIA, POLAND and ITALY are for the FIRST TIME in a European partnerships. Therefore, this project will be a good opportunity for transfer and exchange of experience regarding project management between partners (pupils, teachers and local communities and authorities).
The main aim of the project is to promote healthy nutrition, preserving traditional dishes, removing trisk of obesity through sport and healthy environment conservation in a joint campaign in Europe.
We achieve our goal through two pathways:
1. by theoretical information-which will include information about nutrition and debate on the right to healthy and safe; the children of today are the adults of tomorrow, which is why we must engage in valuable experiences that will help them become informed citizens;
2. by practical activities (transnational volunteering, workshops, debate, seminar, exhibition, celebrations) performed by pupils, parents, teachers- the project will be an experience that will remain in the memory of the young people, teachers and families involved.
The project’s theme will be included in schools’ curricula (classes of science, civic education, geography, foreign languages, ICT, technical education, arts, music). Our project's target group is pupils from 6 to 15 years old. The staff will lead project's management strongly related to students by mixed working teams (boy and girls from all the partner's schools). The project's activities will involve teachers, pupil’s families, local authorities and communities, too, for a better impact and dissemination.
Final products: 2 E- magazine ”Children Save the Nature” and ” We choose Health”, Web-page, Blog, Facebook account, advertising leaflet, Brochure and DVDs with all the materials (final products, articles, movies, photos). All those will be use to disseminate the ongoing results and all the activities performed during the project.
Project team will be created in each school / Erasmus+ corners will be prapared / Digital monitor will be placed /Leaflet, Calendars, brochures and E-magazine will be designed / students will contact each other / Mini-conferences for stakeholders /Applying initial questionnaire and evalution form.
Every project meeting will have three steps: Preparation, Meeting and Dissemination. Preparation for the meeting: presentations / Doing activities on sub-topic /Leaflet of daily words and expressions / Travel materials in project meeting planned and prepared activities will be done by participating of all partner schools. Host schools will organise the programme and there will be activities on sub-topic, presentations, games and sport activities for pupils, volunteer quest teachers’ performing classes, cultural visits, lesson observations, evaluation meeting and cultural evening. After the meeting there will be dissemination activities in every school: photo album of activities /mini local conference /articles will be written in local media / updating the website, Blog / updating the project corner in school / updating Digital Monitor.
At the end of the second year - a calendar with project photos and products, DVD with videos, presentations and photos from project's activities, 3 exhibitions of international products, a minidictionary of daily words and expressions, articles and students' impressions, publish a special edition of school newspaper, applying final common questionnaire of Evalution Plan, statistical analysis of the initial and final questionnaires and evaluation forms, elaborate final report of the project.
To provide long lasting; memory books at school for students and teachers and durable works by the pupils.
The project’s benefit will be:
- for pupils: to value health through healthy food choices, abilities to meet new European collegues and develop new friendships - they will give a positive role model, educational success is encouraged and improved; they will achieve information regarding ICT, foreign languages, traditions of other nation and also they will learn how to manage activities in the project because they will have various responsibilities: monitoring, evaluating, making the publicity of the project, promoting the Democracy attitudes among the community.
Participation in such a project should raise awareness of the richness of the cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe.
- for the project’s staff: The project challenge trainers to improve their teaching methods, to develop new competencies (ICT, foreign languages, modern methods of teaching which will increase the European value of formal, non-formal and informal education);
- for the local community: the institution will become an important player in community.