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‘Algoloji ve Hemşirelik Hizmetlerinde İnovatif Yaklaşımların AB Boyutu’
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

42 students from Bilecik ?bn-i Sina Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School as a coordinator and Güner Orbay Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School which was our partner institution took part in the project and they had education in Nursing Department. The planned flow of our other partner institution Sö?üt Ertu?rul Gazi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School which took part in application form of the project to Sågbäcksgymnasiet institution in Sweden was stopped by National Agency. As is also understood from ??The EU Level of Innovative Approaches in Algology and Nursing Services?? title, the aim of project was that newly developed methods were learned to catch the era in the nursing field and increase quality of life of people. Thus, the subject focuses on nursing and but specially algology field. Algology is a science which provides different solutions and applies different treatments to people who have pain for so long and are unresponsive to simple oral medical treatment although its reason is known. Scientific studies were started in 1990 in Turkey and the studies developed until today. In addition to this, our project was driving force and new and innovative approaches were disseminated to concerned institutions. According to WHO data in 2010, one out of every five experiences severe chronic pain. One-third of them falls short of living a life independently or one-third of them cannot live a life due to pain. They have difficulty in social activities, driving a car or sexual activities. Approach to pain should include proffesional service concept since this pain affects social, business and private life of individuals. Together with other health personnel, nurses provide active and quality services with a team mentality and they wed patients to treatment. In the nursing process of pain management of patients who apply algology department, important information are got about history, place of pain, pain level, when the pain starts, how long the pain lasts. These details were examined in titles ??The position and importance of algology nursing, in general, treatment??, ??Psycho-social approach in pain science?? , ??Gaining competence about multi-discipline approaches in pain management?? , ??Recognition of nonpharmacological methods in analgesia (pain relief)?? and the implementation of topic program was guaranteed by ??Learning Agreement??. Individuals experience pain in different levels and they apply different methods to stop the pain in every period of their life in our country. These are required that nurses have information about evaluation of pain, application of treatment and ability to do and apply care plan particular to the patient and also they communicate with other specialities and provide cooperation and they have multi-discipline information. Within these scopes, ??multi-discipliner strategy?? title was added to our programme and the scope of the project was widen. Our participants got a chance of receiving peer-to-peer education to gain information, skill and competence in this field and application of received education under specialist?s watch, seeing and using tools and equipment used on site, tranferring the different tools and equipment to our country, development of their professional language and education, recognition/living of EU culture and they were experienced these periods. And they returned their country consciously and in wide range of nursing field they gained deep knowledge about ??Algology Nursing?? which brings into their prominence. In respect to expected and actualized results, under the titles of increasing number of qualified personnel who received education in EU level and will work in nursing, providing qualified healthcare services and increasing quality of life, dissemination of products (module, method, brochure, booklet etc.) particular to field and contribution to participant?s employment in health sector, our project was evaluated by related teachers and it was described as succesful. There were 2 flows in mobility activity and mobility activity lasted for 14 days. It was actualized in Italy, Modena and Germany,Berlin by 21 participants in between the dates March and April 2015. In total there were 42 participants and 6 companion teachers. During flows, there were not big problems and daily problems were resolved by companion teachers.

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