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"...akik szépet álmodtak és nagyot akartak"
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background:Kós Károly Vocational School of the Building Trade, the Timber Industry and the Service Sector as member school of Békéscsaba Vocational Training Centre was involved in several international projects in the last few years. Almost all of the trades taught at our school have been represented in different mobility projects by the participation of the students concerned, therefore such an opportunity is not unfamiliar to us. It is our objective to draw up and carry out a successful project. Objectives:- successful on-the-job trainings of 30 students with the assistance of vocational schools from abroad- developing the professional and social competences of the participants concerned- incorporating the academic/professional experience obtained abroad into our own practise- establishing and keeping up contacts with international schools and companiesHeadcount and Professional Background of the Participants: - 30 students (dressmakers, students of carpentry and scaffolding, joiners)with a professional practice of at least half a year- 4 accompanying teacherwith a professional practice of at least a few yearsMain Steps of the Execution Process:0. finding a partner institution, getting acquainted with its training profile and finding out the possibilities of the realization of the mobility1. drawing up the project2. execution- making contact with the host institution (via e-mail)- announcing and applying for the mobility, assembling the letters of motivation, process of selection- preparing the students for the project- mobility- evaluation- presentation of the experience gained3. final evaluation4. final reportResults:- drawing up reports and minutes, taking photographs, making videos- development of the participants’ skills and abilities, strengthening of their competencesEffects: Short- and, Respectively Long-term Effects:- the required training and professional development will be fulfilled (the requirements referred to afore are also included in the declaration of mission and the pedagogical programme)- the participant students’ chances on the labour market will improve, their professional knowledge will become solid- the institution will gain experience in the execution of mobility projects, accordingly it can participate in and, respectively realize such projects successfully in the future, too- the standard of the professional training will increase

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