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Aizraujoša mācīšanās pielietojot IKT
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The teachers of Liepajas Centre primary school are regularly looking for new ways of leading modern teaching process and new ways of student knowledge and skill development appropriately to 21st century requirements while maintaining the basic knowledge and skills that students must acquire at any time. Fifteen teachers of Liepajas Centre primary school have mastered the ways of creative thinking promotion techniques after de Bono methodology. In 2013/2014 while working in pairs teachers have conducted 80 minute lessons (eg. History and English), integrating different course content. By winning the competition, team of four teachers was given the chance to participate in Samsung school for the Future organized digital training courses that lasts for 5 months in 2014. As successful development of knowledge-based society depends on a rich language, events are organized at school to develop the creativity and improve students motivation to read (eg. in March 2014, within the week of creativity, ‘’Creative Reading Night’’ was organized in which teachers offered students to look at the exciting world of books by using many creative ways throughout the night). The school is provided with computers – in every class each teacher has his own computer, projectors are available in 50% of classrooms and there are interactive whiteboards in 4 classrooms. Whole school is provided with wireless Internet. Although teachers have many ideas and possibilities to realize them they have the feeling and need to improve their knowledge and skills to fully carry out their work which shows that the teachers are willing to lifelong learning. School's strategic goal is to encourage the cooperation of different subject teachers as a result making the learning more attractive for students and enhance motivation to learn, creative thinking and cooperation skills, within the class as well as interstate level, by using ICT facilities. Five teachers from Liepajas Centre primary school would like to participate at courses this year. They choose courses according to schools priorities – learning content integration and meaningful use of ICT. All of the teachers according to the priorities of school development plan are motivated to manage integrated lessons, use technology in the learning process and improve students’ cooperation and creative thinking skills. Teachers regularly use interactive whiteboards and projectors that are available in the school. All teachers have equivalent knowledge of curriculum integration because all teachers work at this topic only in this school year. Thus, it is necessary to expand the experience of curriculum integration. Teachers have a variety of ICT skills. For some teachers, this knowledge is deeper than others, however, most of the teachers’ skills of using ICT while teaching is very superficial. Before taking part in the courses teachers will be offered to improve their language skills led by English language teacher. The school administration will support the participants while they are preparing for courses and going to the course host country. While preparing for courses participants have received information about given opportunities of courses. There have been discussions about how to choose the right courses and e-mail conversations with the course providers. After courses there will be organized discussion club for participants and school administrators about the received knowledge while attending courses and there will be workshops organized to share the knowledge and skills with colleagues. While taking part in the courses teachers will improve their knowledge and skills of using ICT in teaching. Teachers will learn basics principles about curriculum integration. While taking part in the courses, teachers will expand their academic and methodological knowledge and improve teaching skills. After courses teachers will use their acquired competencies to conduct lessons and they will share the knowledge and skills with colleagues. During attendance of the courses teachers will develop their English, language will be used on a daily basis communicating with the people around, thereby expanding vocabulary and improving the use of language. During courses participants will meet other EU representatives and that will give the opportunity for dialogue and cooperation with teachers in other EU countries. One of the greatest benefits will be received knowledge of the European cultural diversity and the awareness of European dimension. All courses provide teachers with knowledge about international project organization and management and the full use of eTwinning platform. Thus, the long-term benefit will be teachers acquired multilateral countries cooperation project management skills.

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