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Aizkraukles Profesionālās vidusskolas audzēkņu prakse un skolotāju pieredzes apmaiņa Vācijā
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aizkraukles Vocational School is a state founded professional education institution. The school offers master the "Autotransport", "Woodwork Manufacturing", "Administrative and secretarial services", "Catering services", "Metal" and "work" education programs. This project includes the following activities: 1) students' learning mobility 2) the mobility of school teachers. The overall objective of the project is to acquire new professional knowledge, skills and competencies that contribute to an individual's personal and professional growth. Mobility of students is designed to help learners in initial vocational training to better learn the chosen profession from the practical side, strengthening their professional competence, practical knowledge and skills, enabling Germany to meet with enforced working methods and techniques used in different technologies and equipment joinery, catering facilities and garages. Staff mobility aims to improve and diversify school teachers methodological knowledge and skills as well as gain a broader understanding of the various methods of education systems in Europe. This mobility would allow the school administration to understand it better now very topical issue of 'working environment based training. " Students in the learning mobility of participants will be 4 students from the educational program "Woodwork manufacturing" and 2 students from the educational program "Autotransport" and 4 students from the educational program "Catering Services". Qualifications internship will last for 32 days (including travel) 2016 January, February . During the internship students will learn about topics that are already included in the qualification program developed by the School and practical training programs. Teachers' professional development in mobility will go 3 Aizkraukles Vocational High School teachers - one teacher education program from "Road", 1 teacher from the educational program "Making Woodwork" and 1 teacher of "Catering Services". School teachers exchange trip for 5 days (not including the path) will go in January 2016. Before the trip will be a thorough, transparent selection of participants at the pre-established criteria. Each project participant will receive the certificates from the host organization and the Europass Mobility document. During the practice time students improve their professional skills and abilities, as well as improving employment and career opportunities. Educators your experience exchange trip will get the latest methodological knowledge and skills as well as will a greater understanding of the world of work-based learning. In general, all participants will improve their knowledge of foreign languages, communication skills and a greater understanding of the social, linguistic and cultural diversity. With implementation of the project, Aizkraukles Vocational School raise the prestige of their education programs, and improve the quality of educational programs.

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