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Aizkraukles Profesionālās vidusskolas audzēkņu kvalifikācijas prakse Vācijā un skolas personāla pieredzes apmaiņa Igaunijā
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aizkraukles Technical College is a public institution founded in vocational education . The school offers master the " Road ", " Wood Making ", " Administrative and secretarial services ", " catering services ", " Metal " and " Works " education programs. This project involves students in learning mobility and school staff mobility. The total project is to gain new professional knowledge, skills and competencies. Pupil mobility is designed to help primary vocational education learners become more proficient in a chosen profession from a practical perspective , enhancing their professional competence , practical knowledge and skills to enable Germany to meet with enforced working methods and techniques used in a variety of technologies and equipment for joinery companies and garages . Staff mobility aims to improve and diversify the school teaching staff methodological knowledge and skills as well as gain a broader understanding of the various methods of education systems in Europe. This mobility would allow the school administration to understand it better now highly topical issue " work -based training environment ." The project will take place in 2 streams . Project participants will flow 1 6 students from the educational program " Wood Making " and 5 students from the educational program ' Road ' . Qualifying Practice will last 1 month ( January 2015 ) . 2 stream will hit 7 Aizkraukles HIGH employees - Director 1 Director Deputy project Manager 1 1 teacher at the curriculum " Road " , one of the teacher education program " Wood Making " , 1 teacher from the " Metal " and 1 teacher of " catering services ." School personnel exchange trip to 6 days will go in 2014. autumn . Each project participant will receive certificates from the host organization and the Europass Mobility document. On the experience gained in school to inform the public , including information website, in newspapers and on television. The resulting certificate will allow young people to compete successfully in the labor market. In turn, the exchange of experience will allow staff to develop educational programs that work to introduce new training methods .
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