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Aider l’élève à se construire comme citoyen européen responsable grâce à des valeurs humanistes fortes dans une école à la fois exigeante et bienveillante
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

After the mobility in Germany, during a previous European project, the school's teaching team of Marie Soboul has established a charter of values at school, educational project largely inspired by what has been seen there.The project entitled "humanistic values and caring school" has been written as a charter for pupils and presented to the school council. It helped to bring out an issue: how to help pupils to become European citizens but also a responsible and humanist global citizen?Among the teaching staff, there was an immediate desire to deepen the thoughts in order to find new tools, with the Inspector’s fulltime dedication and support, in this educational project.The desire to repeat the experience of exchange and reciprocity of practices and professional gestures with European colleagues regarding the values which are related to the attitudes and behaviors of students emerged.To enrich our charter with new tools, it is indeed now necessary to visit other European institutions and observe what is done. We have to discover at an international level new ideas and ways of teaching to prepare the future European citizen, who will be more apt to finally become a global citizen. It therefore seems necessary to go there in small but adequate team (4 people) to observe other systems, other angles and other tools so that we will be able to work on these universal values.And as well as host to share our own experiences. At the same time, as they will be fully involved in this project , our students will also meet other European cultures.Additionally, speaking English is essential for a better communication and therefore to reclaim even more this observation time and exchange between European partners; by improving our language skills and at the same time directly affecting our students’ learning in the English lessons.For English-language training, 5 candidates were selected by the team and more specifically:- The Director for her representative position at European meetings- A teacher – coordinator of the project within the institution and within the expanded European team, to enable her to acquire more fluency in speaking for management of the meetings and e-mail exchangeFor the job shadowing: the entire teaching team will be involved in job-shadowing experiences with the participation of our national education inspector who will take part at 2 mobilities at least, depending on her availability.Every year:4 mobilities in Structured English courses during 1 to 2 weeks .16 mobilities for job-shadowing during 5 days in 4 different european partner schools.Marie Soboul School will host for a five-day course ( job-shadowing) some european partner teachers. Planned management methodology of the project is: - Direct evidence- Uploading the resources collected during mobilities on the school website.- Uploading on Magistère and Moodle ( training websites for teachers) to share our resources with schools from the same district and traineesThe expected results:For the teachers: the development of approaches and teaching methods, the pursuit of conduct of joint research projects requiring the collaboration of all at European level a significant expansion of skills in the field of linguistics and in specific aspects of educationFor the students: the evolution of behavior in relation to moral values, the vitality and engagement of collective action, taking initiatives, the academic success and the development of greater European awareness by comparing the inherent operation of each institution and everyone's know-how-to-beFor the public in initial or continuous training: an example of commitment to an ambitious and demanding form of continuous training. To make competence 14 of the competences of school teachers desirable and achievable. For the educational community: an inspirational and successful partnership (school, parents, city council, Education Nationale) in the service of the European ideal. For the school: a better expertise of management in European projects which facilitate welcoming Europe in our school and continuous privileged partnerships leading the school to more European projects.
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8 Partners Participants