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Agriculture, Sport and Tourism as Rural Activators
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ASTRA is a mobility project for students and teachers from five Italian Schools, that share the centrality accorded to sports activities in their educational programmes. The project aims to promote the exchange of good practices in the field of tourism and sport and to explore employment opportunities in rural areas in Europe where outdoor sports activities play a role of activator of initiatives related to tourism, social inclusion and entrepreneurship. Tourism and sport are two sectors, according to the Technical Committee and Social Committee, which will in future be increasingly important for the economic and social welfare in Europe. Sports tourism is a growing sector, it is for the territories in which the partner schools are located a considerable opportunity for local development. In recent years the the binomium tourism and sport has become more and more solid, becoming a significant economic resource for all those working in both sectors. The Rural Development Plans 2014-2020 of the regions represented in the consortium show a high rate of growth of tourism businesses providing sport related services, with a substantial increase of farms able to carry out sports activities and hiking. Students and teachers participating in the project will be able to get in touch with experiences that adopt and promote a new approach to sustainable rural development, able to combine the elements of well-being, economic development and regional planning. The project will also analyze and define the building blocks of a new profession, that of the Life Coach, able to intervene in the various segments of the local tourism (hotel accommodation, catering, agricultural production) and to act as a local activator capable of enhance the constituent parts of the territory: land, history, traditions, food, crafts, nature, art, sport, in one word, culture! The professional profile, resulting from the analysis of the skills actually gained through the experience of mobility, will be outlined with the active contribution of the teachers involved in the mobility experiences and national and transnational partners. All partner institutions maintain close relations with tourism companies and professional organizations of their respective sectors. These ties have allowed to grasp the changing needs in terms of skills and to define the activities of the project objective of supporting the processes of growth and consistently respond to the identified needs. The project aims to contribute to helping the young beneficiaries to imagine and build a new career path that matches their expectations, through mobility, the development of soft skills and specific, allowing the return transferability of successful experiences. The specific objectives of the project, with reference to the strategic objectives set in the plan ET2020 and the priorities of the Erasmus + program, are listed as follows: - Development of specific professional skills, including skills related to the use of ICT; - Deepening the knowledge and language skills related to the field of micro-languages, - Enhancement of skills and personal characteristics and transverse needed to fit into new areas of work developing attitudes of adaptability, learning ability, responsibility, entrepreneurship; - Encourage the future employment of the participants; - To stimulate awareness and interest in the intercultural and the comparison with other professional, expanding their cultural horizons and increasing the size of active European citizenship; - Allow to learn new methods and approaches to vocational training, promoting greater transparency in the system of skills and qualifications specific to the fields. The project also contributes to the objective of the Erasmus + to increase awareness of the benefits of physical activity for health, leading to increased levels of participation in sport and physical activities. The project will allow 100 students to perform internships lasting 4 weeks and 10 teachers to follow a training program for a week in Spain, Germany, England and Bulgaria in specialized companies in the sector.

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