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Agricultural Entrepreneurship Training
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of project: The entrepreneurship is about creativity. With the AGENT project each student will have opportunity to gain theoretical introduction about the entrepreneurship; to visit successful companies in the field of agriculture; to do some social activities; have an opportunity work on a task. The European Commission issued a Green Paper “Promoting the learning mobility of young people”, an open and public consultation in order to foster the mobility of young people in Europe, where transnational mobility for the purpose of acquiring new skills is one of the fundamental ways in which individuals, particularly young people, can strengthen their future employability as well as their personal development. We are referring to the important role of education in the following document: ‘ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING’ European Commission, 2009 (please visit) Macedonia prepared the Strategy for Vocational Education and Training in a lifelong learning context (2013-2020). This Strategy define the VET grow into a key AGENT in the development of the workforce in ensuring full social participation, in employment, in strengthening the employability and professional development of youth and adults and realisation of mobility on national and international level. The objective of AGENT Project The general aim of the AGENT Project is to promote training experiences on the job of high quality, entered in processes involving the mobility of persons in order to enhance their employability and participation in the labour market. The specific objectives that the project proposes, for young participants, are: to improve their adaptability, increase their autonomy and ability to acquire professional skills, increase their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship skills; experiment themselves in new contexts in order to bring out their potentiality and ability, encouraging the learning. Those are also the expected outcomes of the mobility. Number and profile of participants The number of students involved is 30 from 5 agricultural VET schools from Macedonia. The general criteria that students need to fulfil will be: 1. To be student, or just graduate, from the selected school; 2. To be at least 16 years old and enrolled in the 3 or 4 year of study, or just graduated student; 3. To have an very good/ excellent grades (average 3,5 and above) in the previous years of education; 4. To have a sufficient knowledge of English language; (an on-line test is mandatory) 5. To have personal characteristics (personal independence, positive attitude, motivation, ability to adapt to changes) that ensures that full advantage of the experience is taken. 6. Having the required documents (Europass CV, passport, authorisation from parents). Description of activities The main activities of the AGENT Project can be divided as follows: 1. Actions before the mobility (mainly organized and conducted by the National VET Consortium and the Coordinator of the Consortium - FACE). This includes actions such: Selection of the participants and accompany persons; Preparations and signing the agreements; the on-line linguistic support offered by the European Commission; organising international transport; Preparation of detailed program of activities; and mobility tool application. 2. Actions during the mobility (mainly conducted by the host organisations) include: Implementation of the learning program; Accommodation and food for the participants; Local transport; Cultural and study visits. 3. Actions after the mobility (mainly conducted by the members of the National VET Consortium and learners) include: recognition of the learning outcomes; reporting; dissemination of project results; monitoring and evaluation. Methodology used in carrying out the project After the selection of students and accompany persons, the 3 groups of students will be defined. The mobility will take place in various places in Portugal (mainly in the city of Braga), Greece (Thessaloniki) and the Netherlands (Bennekom). The participants will be divided in three groups. Each group will consist of 10 students and one accompanying person (teacher/mentor). Each group will go to different Country. The mobility will take a place in autumn 2014 and in spring 2015. Results and impact envisaged: On the end of the project we will have 30 VET students with improved adaptability, increased autonomy and ability to acquire professional skills, increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship skills; experiment themselves in new contexts in order to bring out their potentiality and ability, encouraging the learning.

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