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Agri-Genomics Transfer and Dissemination Between Greece & Bulgaria (AGRI-GENO-TRANS)
Start date: Apr 13, 2011, End date: Apr 12, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's aim is to disseminate the knowledge generated by the Institute of Agrobiotechnology in Thessaloniki to the cross-border cooperation area through a series of innovative technology transfer events. The topic is that of Agricultural Genomics and the field of application that of dairy products and milk production with focus to the area of Rodopi. The Exhibition Research Insitute will use its experience to develop new forms of events in order to bridge the gap between the research community, the agriculturalists and the younger generation of farmers as they will be represented by the Bulgarian National Asssociation "Mountains' Milk." Expected Results: The expected results will be felt strongly:a) in the research/academic community: researchers will gather information from the direct contact with the business community as well as field research that will be conducted, which will help them understand: i) the prospects for technology transfer in the area, ii) the economics and business aspects of the technological challenges, iii) the real situation/level of production practices and output. The contacts established will form the basis for future co-operation b) the business community will gain knowledge both technical and economic about the chnages enacted by technological advances in the afield of agrinomics; the knowledge gained, reflected through the strategy papers will equip the business community with tools to direct themslelves into the new era of innovation. Additionally, the business community will benefit through the publicity resulting from the technology transfer events, which hopefully, will receive a more permanent character. c) the broader community through the acquisition of skills for technology transfer as well as the information about the advancements of technology
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  • 85%   423 436,21
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants