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AGRI ADVISORS COMPETENCES – Professional competences and certifications of agriculture advisors in the world of competitive market of service business

The project main sector of interest is the training and certification of agricultural advisors concerned with different economical and national contexts in Europe; the partner countries show specific conditions deriving from political, social and economical transformations in the last decades of past century: agricultural consultancy has therefore evolved differently. Emblematic examples are the cases of agricultural employment in Czech Republic (once collectivized, with the presence of big cooperatives; privatisation and transformations left most part of land and 90% of production to large private companies, and led to free market principles) and Poland (with small enterprises), where it respectively concerns the 3.4% and 22% of active population. This means that all the final users of the advisory service have different requirements on its contents and aspects. The challenge of the European Union policies ask for a multifunctional development, a strong responsibility in agricultural consultancy, effective national advisory systems. Certifications, recognition, validation, definition of key skills and competences are the main aims and contents of the project partners: the promotion of specific training methodologies and strategies is linked with the elaboration of a European general standard curriculum, to be used from 2007 on. Transferability, sustainability, interaction are the main characteristics of this project, based on a work programme concerned with the smallest details of the specific profession: the tasks and the key competences of advisors are studied, analysed and defined.

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7 Partners Participants