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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The AGRICULTURAL and GARDENING - BAVARIA project is located in the context of traineeships of students of Initial Vocational Education and Training of professional families of agricultural and gardening, specifically the completion of the module (or part thereof) workplace traineeships defined in the curriculum of these studies. The number of participants will be one for each flux, and the profile is that of a high school student with basic ESO studies and / or entrance test to VET. The ages of these students are between 17 and 24 years. The main activity will be the realization of the traineeship according to the activity plan for work experience as defined in the curriculum. Regarding to the methodology, it will be the one defined by the Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya: CONTROL AND FOLLOW-UP OF THE WORKPLACE PRACTICE At school The vocational training coordinator. The work experience tutors. At the organisation/company The responsible person (company tutor) for coordinating follow-up with the work experience tutor at the training centre. In the Administration The School-Company Relations Unit of the Department of Programmes and Projects for the Promotion of Vocational Education and Training, which is in charge of authorising the agreements and providing the necessary support for monitoring the work experience. Finally the traineeship tutor will make the final assessment together with the company tutor. The expected results of this project are to improve the language skills of the participants, knowledge of European reality, the possibility of expanding the curriculum of participants with mobility experience, always valued in today's job market. The expected impact on participants is to complete their traineeships abroad and expand its curriculum. For participating organizations impact is positive at local and regional level; To the sending organization it can be useful to improve the quality of their studies, attract future students and improve its image abroad. To the host organization it allows the knowledge about the training offered in other countries. Possible long-term benefits include increasing employment opportunities and the transition to the labor market, and developing European cooperation in the field of vocational training.

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