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Agire, cooperare e condividere per motivare all'Europa
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By offering its staff training courses, our school aims to potentiate teaching and planning initiatives to develop and promote a European dimension in education as well as respond to the demands of our students providing trained personnel able to support the internationalization of our offer and promote information and communication initiatives open to the surrounding territory, while guaranteeing an education which is aligned with the ministerial indications on the secondary school system reform. Said reform is vital to give life, within our school, to a collaborative and cooperative community which can involve the rest of staff in its actions. Specifically teachers aim to create an innovative secondary school process, focused on developing international relations and broadening the students’ cultural horizon. The fact that our school, which hosts both classic and linguistic studies, is situated on the island of Sardinia, which is geographically isolated, heavily conditions opportunities to make contact and exchange ideas, thus making these mobilities a vital experience for reaching the abovementioned goals. Based on previous experience we have individuated the need to work on various fronts. In order to reach the internationalization process we aim for on a mid-long term basis, we necessarily need to give immediate priority to professional training in the following areas on a shorter time range: → Improving language skills in L2 (English and French) of teaching staff involved in CLIL and ESABAC (4+4) → Acquire innovation skills in methodology and didactics for French language teachers (2) → Acquire basic language skills in English for secretarial staff (3) → Acquire innovative teaching skills with the use of ICT and the web for teaching, technical and administrative staff (8) → Training for headmaster and managerial staff, in particular for setting up European network projects with foreign partners as well as developing the capacity to manage group work, to collaborate and to deal with conflicts. (3). Partners will collaborate and support the school through the entire process: beforehand, during and also once back at school. Partners will be expected to use a methodological approach which includes theoretical content paired with practical examples applied to any one specific school subject, case studies, group work, and the production of materials for use in the classroom. Training is geared to teachers, technical and administrative staff, head secretary and headmaster. Besides the technical-professional skills acquired the following transversal goals will also need to be met: → Developing social and group work skills; → Developing individual emotional (transversal) skills: i.e. capacity to self-manage and to adapt in various environments, flexibility: → Developing awareness of being European and finding motivation for the planning of didactic processes with a European dimension along with the promotion among students of a sense of belonging to Europe and of being European citizens. Through the experiences already carried out the school team has identified the need to work on several areas. Since the process of internationalization can come to fruition you need to work on medium-long term, starting with the priority needs of professional updating, which are for the short period covering the following areas: • improving language skills in L2 teaching staff • Acquisition of basic language skills in English for technical and secretarial staff • acquisition of innovative teaching methods including the use of ICT for teaching staff
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