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Age Management in Practice: Improving Access to VET/CVET for Older Workers Across Europe
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

One of Europe’s greatest challenges is its ageing population. With many Member States implementing policies and reforms that encourage older adults to work longer in later life, the employment rate of older adults aged 50+ is expected to increase significantly over the next decade. Action and interventions are required now to support older adults update their skills and knowledge and to help them re-engage with learning and Vocational Education & Training to enhance their future employability and ensure both economic and personal needs are met. This project will deliver five key outputs:1. Development and piloting of a unique learning model to help older workers re-engage with learning and VET/CVET2. Creation of a mapping system for older workers to benchmark skills and experience against the EQF 3. Conduct a cross-sectional study of employer attitudes to older workers and the ageing workforce phenomenon4. Development and piloting of Age Management seminars for employers and creation of a 'Talking Heads' DVD with employer views and experiences of older workers 5. Dissemination of findings and project results through a final conference in Berlin, Germany and creation of an academic journal paper.This project will have a direct impact in four main areas:1. Older workers who will be better informed of the value of lifelong learning and VET/CVET as well as developing a greater knowledge of the EQF framework. 2. Employers will gain an insight into the challenges faced by older workers in accessing and participating in lifelong learning and VET/CVET as well as an understanding of the ageing workforce phenomenon. 3. National agencies, policy makers and key stakeholders will be able to draw on project findings and use them to influence future strategies in the field of VET/CVET and older workers, thereby contributing directly to key policy agendas. 4. Networks and social partners will also be able to use the project results to assist and inform members.

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