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Higher participation of older workers in employment is an important factor that contributes to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and to achieving the Europe 2020 headline target of aiming to raise the employment rate for women and men to 75%. Thus it is important to tackle age discrimination regarding employment and occupation, given that ageism is an important exclusion factor for older workers on labour markets. At the same time, investments should be made in life-long learning initiatives, adapted to labour market needs.Following these needs and challenges, the main objective of the project proposal AGE IN TANDEM is the involvement of a transnational partnership with the goal to adapt and transfer the good practice realised in a previous Article 6 – Innovative Action project (TALENTAGED Project). In order to do so, the consortium will analyse the situation of retention and re employment of the ageing workforce, by acting through local work-teams composed by a training / guidance structure leading and testing the process and by a number of firms available to test the methodology. Each partner, is asked to deepen the adatptation of the methodology in its country (Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany and Romania), by focusing on local final beneficiaries for which stronger intervention is needed (mature workers hit by the crisis). In order to do so, specific parts or components of the methodology can be empowered by each partner, following the results of the local analysis and starting from the great experience of the consortium in the field of quality ageing, employment of mature workers and life long learning. The AGE IN TANDEM project will be based on: a) a situation analysis focused on the local existing professional training & guidance systems for mature workers (through interviews, desk analysis and focus groups) and on the local situation concerning the occupability of mature workers; b) an adaptation of the original TALENTAGED methodology following the results of the situation analysis and with the contribution of local expert teams, duly trained; c) transfer of the adapted methodology to local contexts through local experimentation paths (managed by the local expert teams), having groups of mature workers as beneficiaries; d) formalization of an international network of expert in the field of training and guidance for mature workforce, through the realization and activation of an on-line platform. By acting like that, the consortium intends to raise the awareness of employers (public and private) towards the competence and skills of mature workers, to improve the occupability of mature workers (both in terms of retention or self employment) in the territories involved and to strenghten the competences of professional trainers and guidance experts with reference to the mature workforce, by giving them an innovative tools: the TALENTAGED methodology, adapted and tested in their local context.
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5 Partners Participants